Final Episode
Written by: Angie
Email: 7of9@charter.net
First, I love your evaluation of the final episode. I found it very interesting. I have to comment on the peridox. If you wachted "First Contact" it gives you a little information on Time travel. After passing through the "barrier" Admiral Janeway would not have been affected by the changes in the space time continuem. So that simply leaves you with the question of 'What really happened to the borg?' Another thing learned in "First Contact" can be found in a statement made by the queen. She tells, I believe Picard, that there were many before her. It left me with the impression that anytime the queen is killed, that she has a chosen successor. Someone who takes her place.
My biggest hope is that the cast will do a movie. I loved the final episode, because it left open so many posibilities. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the cast as people and as the crew of the USS Voyager.