Diary of my Husbands Last Days

NYLE WILLIAM WORLEY ~ 01/03/39 - 03/16/01

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My husband, Nyle William Worley, passed away on March 16th, 2001. He had open heart surgery, a mitral valve replacement, but something went very very wrong, and we still do not know what.

Below, is the day to day account of what we went through. This is what I posted to many prayer chains on a daily basis, maybe someone "out there" will see this, and can give me some insight on what they think might have happened. I am going to contact an attorney, to see if there is any recourse at all....

Now on to the last 3 weeks of my husband's life, as told by me, his wife, in my usual haphazard way..

Thursday February 22... The big day of surgery!

Well I spent 12 hours at the hospital ... yes he did get the surgery done finally!! 7 hours in the O.R. and they found out the valve was totally shot, upper part was abnormal and thickened and lower part just blown. No wonder he has been so tired lately. He is now in ICU and is totally on life support, on a ventilator, has a tube down his nose, tubes coming out of his tummy and chest and neck. A pacemaker giving him little shocks to his heart to make it beat right, altho it did start up again by itself when they weened him from the heart/lung machine. He looks awful and is basically on life support for now, but is stable. I hope they can get his lithium dose in him tonight someway, as he is bi-polar and needs to have it ... he still has no stomach noises, and that is not good. but..... He did well, but will remain in ICU for another day at least, maybe more, before he can have visitors or anything. I will keep u all updated. There is still need for prayer, and about a zillion things can still go wrong in the next few days.... Thanks to you all for being there in prayer for me. I felt so calm all day I could hardly stay awake! They are keeping him totally unconscious for now, as he is having trouble waking up so they said they are gonna bring him awake slowly.

Friday February 23, Day One after surgery...

I got paged today from the hospital just as I was walking in the door, so I zoomed upstairs and found out Nyle was suddenly bleeding badly. The doctor was there and they were just wheeling Nyle out for more surgery to find the bleeder. It was a small artery, and Doc got it fixed, and now we are back to square one again, Nyle is still on full life support, has never woke up yet, been "out" now for 33 hours....and will remain in ICU at least til Monday even if all goes well. He got a coupla pints of new blood, and as of right now, the only one allowed to see him is me. And he is totally not aware of me at all, but I did take him a stuffed doggie to cheer up the room.

I just called the hospital so I have the latest update. Nyle tried to wake up a little while ago, but woke up in a panic and was thrashing and fighting and trying to sit up, so they had to sedate him again and are trying a different medication so he will come-to easier. The nurse is gonna try and wean him from the ventilator tonight and see if he can breathe on his own. His heart is still slow, so still on pacemaker thingie. But as of 1/2 hour ago he was listed as "good". I got a picture of him and his machinery because I know he is gonna be curious about what went on.

Saturday, February 24....day three..

Well, no news is .... no news I guess. I went up to see Nyle this morning, he is still totally out of it, he ripped his arterial line out last night, and whenever they try and wake him he freaks out and will not follow commands, just gets agitated and that is scaring me to death, because of his bi-polar thing. He is still on the respirator, and the pace maker, and has nine IV things going into him. His heart rate is a bit faster, he is all puffy, and they are puzzled at him being so agitated when they try and wake him, and that makes his STATS drop, so they only let me in for about 10 minutes each hour and I can't touch, so there is not much to do but look at him.

Sunday, February 25... day 4

OK. We do not have good news. Nyle is still out of it, he is better in some ways, but worse in others. He can not come out of the sleep... he is agitated, unable to follow directions, like squeeze hands and stuff. He does not know me, and doc is ordering a CT brain scan in the morning to see what is going on in there. He said that there might be brain damage because he was without oxygen for so long during the bleed he had the second day. I thought that was why he was in ICU.. to keep an eye on these things? Yes, I am getting scared. Also his blood sugar is sky high, we don't know why. He was not diabetic when he went in, and I know surgery can goof up your blood sugar, but this is rediculous..
Good parts... he is off the pacemaker, his heart is doing it's own thing, his respirator is only assisting him now, but he is still on it. They have started tube feeding him, removing some of the medicines and lines. They shaved him and made him look less like grizzly adams today too. They really are not sure what is going on, it might be a stroke, or he just could be stubborn and need his sleep. I tried to comfort him all day, I did not tell him he has been in the hospital for 4 days, but told him he was fine and I would be right back, when I had to leave. Not sure if he hears me, no indication of it, but I tried to make him feel like he was doing great. His blood pressure is way low, about 104/55, but I guess they are trying to keep it that way, from what they told me, so he doesn't pop an artery somewhere.

Monday February 26 day 5...

Can't believe this is day 5. I spent another 7 hours up at the hospital, they did the CT scan on his brain, and the report has still not been written up or looked at by the neurologist. They told me I might as well call in the morning. They are terribly worried about some kind of brain damage because of the way he is wiggling around. He still does not respond to anything. He has an infection somewhere and so an Infectious disease specialist is coming in in the morning, he has been seen by a pulmonary specialist and his lungs are at least clear, except for normal secretions they have to suction after surgery. He has a fever, really hot to the touch, he is still all swollen up and bloated, his blood pressure is really low, they are trying to keep it up, was down to 60/30 once today, ran about 101/54 while I was there. He is looking a bit gray, but his heart is fine, they put in a new line for medicine and have his food going thru his nose and right straight to his gut at the moment. He is terribly puffed up, and I feel so helpless, I don't know what to do for him, what to say to someone who is not awake and not asleep either. And yes, I am scared to death. This is not what we had planned. Will hopefully have the results of the scan tomorrow night .... by now I have no clue what to even pray for. I keep wondering why they keep a fan blowing on him, I know he has a fever, but it is possitively freezing in there.. And now even my brave daughter, froggie, is starting to get really worried, and she is the strong one in the family..

Tuesday February 27... day 6...

Finally got word from the Neurosurgeon and the CT scan, after my pastor litterally SAT on the nurses desk and told them to get a report NOW!!.... He mumbled an excuse for his tardiness... 31 hours to get to me with a report!!! and then told me that it was not a stroke, or a hemorrhage. He thinks it is brain damage from lack of oxygen when they had to reopen him because of the bleeding. His blood pressure had plummeted for too long. This is not good at all, big time bad news if it is true. He said not to give up yet, and that anything could happen still, and they are still fiddling with the medication, trying to find one to keep him sedated and at the same time wean him off of without him freaking out. He is on full life support now, has to be suctioned out every hour. Was given more blood today and his blood pressure was as usual very low. He also got a bag of plasma for some reason.. I am trying to keep happy, gloom does no one any good.

Wednesday, February 28... day 7

Besides a fun ride in an earthquake,6.8) not much news, well none good anyway. I was headed to the hospital when the earthquake hit, and when I got there they were evacuating the parking garage by the droves. All phones were down, cell included, and elevators off limits, and no way was I gonna go upstairs with aftershocks looming in the future, so I went home, and had to wait til 4pm before I could even get thru to the hospital. But this morning before I left to ride out the earthquake, ICU called me and I had to make a decision, not a good one, but they needed me to decide what to do if Nyle had a heart attack, aka, coded. I know he would of wanted to not be resuscitated, so I had to give that directive. If he lives thru this, I am gonna kill him, for leaving this up to me, because he didn't get around to signing the living will and do not resecitate thing. Meanwhile, he is being left to his own devices for a few days, (such care huh?) he is in bad shape, then in a coupla days, there will be a meeting with the family and the doctors to discuss the "options" if there is no improvement, aka brain activity (which they say they can't even test for. Family consists of me and froggie. Right now he is still on full life support and in critical condition.

Thursday March 1 day 8

Today Nyle should of come home. But, of course, that is not an option at this point. They are putting a "button" into his tummy in the morning, so they can feed him better goodies that way, he has been receiving "beige goo" thru his nose. They are also discussing a "trach" in his throat, and get the respirator hooked up to that instead of down his throat. This is long term stuff. Liver is having trouble, kidneys are not happy, lungs not good, heart is great, blood pressure is horrible, but they are keeping it stable. He is wiggling much more, as they try and bring him out of it more, but he is struggling and keeps rolling up into a ball (fetal possition), and he is blinking now, but not focusing on anything. I keep thinking he hears me when I talk to him, but he won't squeeze my hand or blink or do anything at all I ask, and none of his stats change, I would expect at least heart rate would blip if he knew I was there or something, but it is beating in my opinion, way too steady, no glimpse of excitement, fear, nothing. He would pass a lie detector easy right now. He smells bad, it is called nuerological odor or something, and is indicative of brain damage, but it sure smells like acitosis to me, I have been around that, and that is either diabetic coma or death any minute smell. It is so strong it burned my nose and I had to take a shower when I got home to get the smell off me. We are still playing a wait and see thing..

Friday, March 2... day 9

Nothing new. Nyle got his G-tube in his tummy. His tongue is bleeding, don't know why. His lips are rolled back, he is full of blood stains everywhere and bed sores everywhere. Nurses real busy with emergency stuff today, and Nyle is supposedly low maintenance now. He has alarms if things go wrong, but is also on "no code" if heart poops out. Talked to the case manager, didn't know I had one til today, cute one too, and he is looking at long, long, long, vigil here. Weeks, maybe months, before we have a definitive answer. If they decided they have to do a trach, we, the family, will have the option to see if he can breath on his own, and if so, let nature take it's course. They will have to do that pretty soon, as having the respirator tube down your throat is very hard on a person. His lungs have a bug, his kidneys are not good, liver is questionable, heart took a hit in second surgery, (this is news to me, as the Doctor said it went fine before) lots of organ problems, so on lots of anti-biotics. May end up in long term, aka life-time, care facility about 30 miles from here, if he does not recover mentally, on life support the rest of his life. I guess his brain is swollen so still a dim hope for recovery (but why don't they check that? Put in a shunt? DO something??) Just not sure of quality of life when he does wake up. We need either a full recovery, or let God take him, Nyle would not want to live as a vegetable, ever

Saturday, March 3... day 10

Had to give permission today for Nyle to have chest tubes put back in, so more surgery. This is getting rediculous. I went to see him this afternoon, and he was big time asleep after the surgery, and looked very peaceful. There is a lot of bloody watery stuff coming out of his chest. No other changes, one way or the other. I am finally at the end of my rope, my eyes are stinging. I am not eating right and getting dehydrated. I get no answers from doctors or nurses about what is happening and why... this bugs me.

Sunday, March 4... day 11

Ok, we are at day 11 I think. I am loosing track of time. Nyle still has the chest tubes in, draining stuff from his chest. He is very very agitated, non responsive, but they have lowered the respirator today, and he is doing some of his own breathing. Other than that, he has a long name that means, brain is swollen (how do they know this? and why don't they Do something about it?). I won't even attempt to say it, and this is something that is gonna be going on for months, no way to access the damage to him until the brain swelling goes down, so patience is now the password. I only get to be in the room with him for 5 minutes every hour.. and then if they are messing with him I get kicked out.

Monday March 5... day 12

I played total hookie today, he had a CT scan again anyway, so since they had to "paralyze" him, I figured he would not be too sociable. I got some "stuff" done around here, and just called the hospital and nothing new on the CT scan. They are gonna give him 48 hours or so now, to "clear" what ever that is, I think it means to try and wake up, as they are dumping more and more of his medicine..( I wonder if he even is getting pain medicine?). Then they will be doing the trach, and seeing if he can support himself breathing on his own. That is major decision time for me, and I am not ready as I still don't know if he might be ok eventually, so I guess all I can do now is pray that what ever comes next is the way God wants it. He is breathing better, but still no response to anyone or anything, even when I told him his computer fell during the earthquake, (bold face lie here) but if anything would make him sit up, that would, haha.

Tuesday March 6... day 13..

Today, Nyle was much more alert! He had more surgery this morning, tho, as they had to extend the G-tube thing into his upper bowel because he was aspirating fluid into his lungs (just what we need right now). He woke up from that and is now seeming to follow commands a wee bit. Pastor Steve was with me, and told Nyle to slowly close his eyes, and he did it! He is also showing signs of extreme fear, which is hard on me, but good for him, it is making his heart rate erratic, which is good because it at least shows some emotion getting thru. He went into respiratory distress when they tried to lower the vent settings, and is hyperventilating, and I took off the "no-code" order, since he is now at a 50-50 chance of recovery, or so the lung doctor says, nuerology says still major brain damamge and heart doctor says he is fine. Does anyone at this hospital have a clue what they are doing?? The newest CT scan showed no physical damage to the brain, altho metabolically, we are still wondering. Tomorrow or Thursday they are gonna take out the vent and give him a tracheotomy.. aka make an incision in his neck, and put the respirator in that way, and get it out of his vocal cords. . . as they are in danger of permanent damage from it down his throat this long. He still has lots of fluid being drained from his chest cavity, 3 days of that now, where is it coming from and why??? and nasty bed sores on his feet and legs and a huge boil on his back, (I didn't know you could get bed sores in such a short amount of time. He has had them since the first week and this is not making me a happy camper) but at least today there is a change! We still have a long long road ahead of us, anything can still happen at this point, but we are gonna keep focused on the plus side of the 50-50% chance he will get well, Will be at the hospital for some time, then moved to a special care residence for respiratory patients. I am looking into SSI disability and have an appointment in a few weeks. So overall today went well, Pastor Steve stayed with me and talked to the case worker and helped me make sense of what was said. I am really having a bad time assimilating anything in my head lately.. and wonder why it took 2 weeks before I finally had a meeting with a case worker?? Or even knew I had one???

Wednesday..March 7... day 14

Today did not go well, I heard from the Neurosurgeon Finally, and he is not at all optimistic. He said there was no physical damage, but as far as brain function, he does not feel it is gonna improve at all, and that if Nyle had been an older man with some health problems, he would of suggested letting him go a week ago, as there is no quality of life at this time, there has been no improvement at all in brain function. He told me truthfully.. he feels we should let it go a few more days, and then let nature take it's course, as Nyle is awake enuff to be suffering, but not "with" us as far as mentally. They did shut off his respirator last night, and he went into immediate respiratory failure. Without it he would of died in a few minutes, as much as he tried to breathe, he could not get enough oxygen. They are going to try and call a meeting on Friday of all the doctors with me and Jackie, to get everyone's imput at once. Seems the heart doctor is positive, because the heart is working well, the lung doctor is 50-50 not knowing how it will turn out, and the brain guy is very concerned, as he has never seen anyone act like this for this long without any real progress. The fact he will turn his head when you hollar his name, is not conclusive, he is still not responding to any stimuli, he is on his back with his legs pulled up to his body and no one can make him straighten out. This is becoming too overwhelming. I need an answer. I need to know what to do. He is a vegetable at the moment, he would not want to be kept alive on a respirator the rest of his life as a vegetable, so please pray for wisdom on my part, and Jackies part, that the decision can be taken out of our hands, that if God wants him that he takes him without any more suffering, because I can see the pain he is in, even if he is not able to even process the ability to squeeze my hand or blink right now, he is in pain, and I can't stand it. Whatever happened to morphine?? Why do the nurses and staff talk about him and tell me that what I see after 36 hours is how he is gonna remain, when he might be able to hear us?? Why are they so cruel here??

Thursday, March 8.... day 15

You ain't gonna believe this.(but don't quit reading this, as this is temporary) God has stepped in and after a terrible night of planning when to disconnect Nyle from life support, and planning a funeral, I call up at the hospital this morning, they say no change. So I pack a bag, for a long day of sitting in the lobby again, and go on up early, and I walk in the room, and he is AWAKE!! They are working on him, Dr. Koontz tells me they are gonna pull the respirator, Nyle is wiggling his toes and nodding his head when talked to and so I leave the room and when I come back, he is vent free... breathing on his own, and they are getting all sorts of hand squeezes, head nodding and grunts from him, and they get him outa bed and into a chair!!! (this seems a little too fast to me, he has been in a coma for 2 weeks and he wakes up and they have him strapped in a chair within a an hour??) Because of the vent in his throat for the last 15 days, he can not really talk, sort of a Darth Vader tone, but he told me he loves me. . . he told me he is thirsty and hungry, he wanted to watch television, and he cried when he saw his brother! He knew who Pastor Hart was, he knew Pastor Steve, he laughed at Jackie's sweetie when he told some awful jokes, so we are now in total shock at the turn of events to say the least. I was within hours of having them shut off the ventilator. And God intervened at the last minute and brought him back to me, he seems absolutely fine mentally, they will still have to do some evaluation, and we have a long long road ahead of us. Keep praying he recovers soon, there is a lot of physical damage to just about every organ, it all needs to heal. There will be hills and valleys, hopefully more good spots than bad. He is also mad and grouchy, and that is a good sign! The nurse let him use the phone tonight and he called me .. it was hard to understand him tho. I think they are moving too fast. I overheard the nurse tell the doctor they needed his bed and she wanted him moved upstairs today, and he said NO thankfully. Something is wrong here, I can feel it building.

Friday, March 9, day 16.. Well, one long day today at the hospital. Now that he is awake, they don't want anyone visiting him, even me, as they want him to sleep. Wow, that makes sense huh?? He is not sleeping, he is crabby, he is hungry, and they did a swallow test, and he swallowed, so he was allowed ice chips today, and last I heard he had two cups of pudding, some carrots and some meat....with them watching him like a hawk I hope! I got 5 or 6 kisses, a few nasty looks, and a giggle or two when I told him he could pinch any nurse he could reach! He is doing his coughing thing he is sposed to do, very weak, but trying, he is doing his breathing therapy, got some physical therapy, and was made to sit up for 2 hours today, altho he was not happy about it. His biggest problem, pain wise, is upper back is really messed up and it hurts him so bad he is not even complaining about the other pains. We have long long road ahead of us, no report on neurological damage, weaned him off the meds today, good chance he is going to a room in progressive care unit tomorrow, and eventually want to get him into Rehab. He has some major organ damage, lots to get fixed, but overall, he is totally off life support.

Saturday, March 10.... day 17

He is in a ROOM! moved out of ICU at 7 this morning. (Too soon I think) Nyle got moved to PCU, (progressive Care Unit) which is still critical care, but one step up. I saw him and he is very confused, very mad. They took his food and water away again, as he can't swallow good enuff and was aspirating it into his lungs.(can we say pnemonia?) He is very yellow. He has a bad infection in his lungs, I think. No doctor has talked to me and am hoping someone will call tonight, as I left orders that someone does, or rather, Jackie did! He can not talk, can hardly breathe and blood pressure very low again, about 116/60. There does seem to be some damage to the brain, as he is off all sedation, and still not totally with it. He did ask me about his son, Mike, and where he was, and why he has not come to see him. I don't know how to tell him that Mike has never returned our calls, and evidently doesn't care. Nyle wants to come home, and is getting mean about it. He is not out of the woods yet, definately needs plenty more prayers...

Sunday...,March 11, day 18

Not much to report, Nyle is not a happy camper, seems to have given up completely, he is not talking to me, or responding to me or anyone, won't cough for the nurses. Just lays there like a limp rag. I am getting too many non-answers to my questions, nurse says he has water in his lungs, doctor says they are fine. He is sopping wet from the effort to breath, yet doc says he does not even need oxygen now. He is struggling to breath, I saw this with our preemie granddaughter before she died...Still no food or water allowed. Was told he was taken off his lithium days ago, then told he wasn't. His heart doctor left town again, the guy taking over for him just got mad at me cuz he said he has not ever seen me there. I can't be there 24 hours a day, so missed him both days he was there, but I don't think he had a right to chastize me for being there the wrong hours. Good grief!! So, basically, till I talk to the case worker Monday, don't really have any news. This family meeting with all the doctors has still not happened.

Monday..March 12, day 19

He took a tiny step forward from yesterday, but yesterday was 4 steps backward. They are calling the neurosurgeon back in, who I found out signed off on Nyle Friday and didn't have the decency to tell us he did or why he did!! and we are now talking nursing home instead of rehab because he can not do anything, he is totally wasted physically and too weak to even lift his arm. Still has a fever and bleeding really bad from his foley cathater in his bladder, big globs of blood coming thru. Still hot and wet and sticky to the touch and not responding to me.

Tuesday, March 13, day 20

Not much change, still not responding most the time, like there is a major short circuit, and he does not always know what is going on. Got xrays of chest again, I have no idea what is going on physically, or mentally at this moment, Lots of bad stuff, but not sure what all. Jackie got him moved to the "window" bed tho, so he can at least have a view and maybe get some inspiration to come back to us. I had meeting with DSHS and filled out form for help for medical, and talked to case worker and chaplain. Still no family meeting with the doctors. They still don't call me to tell me Nyle's status. It would be nice if there would be a meeting with them, it has been 20 days now and I am not only numb, I am feeling very left out of everything. Just going day by day now, wondering what the next day will bring. Please pray my car holds up.

Wednesday, March 14, day 21

Well, we have improved a wee bit today, he is raising his right arm up in the air, but then sees his fingers and finds them fascinating. He is bleeding really bad now, as he managed to pull on his catheter and there was blood everywhere...Took them a long time to even notice that, and with the coumadin he is on he could of bleed to death. He is off the oxygen, but still struggling for every breath.. We are having a pow wow with the doctors finally tomorrow, hopefully will get more answers. They are planning on moving him to a nursing home, don't know how long, or who is paying for that, me I guess, til they drain me. I did get his attention once today, and asked if he knew what was going on, and he nodded yes, he just can't seem to make his brain do what he is sposed to do. It is so sad to watch, and I am so scared, I have been sick for 2 days now, and have to be well enuff to get thru the meeting tomorrow, and Jackie can't even be there, as she finally starts her new job tomorrow.

Thursday, March 15...day 22

We are on day 22 or 3 weeks now, and today Nyle was much much worse. Not responding to anyone, me, pastor Steve, pastor Hart, his brother, a friend, just no one. He is so skinny. Curled up in a ball. As I left the hospital they were wheeling him off for more "procedures" ... a CT scan of his diaphragm as they are afraid his right diaphram is paralyzed. I have not heard yet what they found, also inserting a tube in his left lung to drain fluid out of it again. His blood sugar is 200. He is still bleeding from his catheter and has a temperature of 101. Had the meeting with the heart doctor, he is not letting Nyle leave the hospital for another week at least, altho yesterday he said he would be going home in a day or two.. are we inconsistant or what?? then maybe if there is improvement, a nursing home. They moved him to a private room now, he is either scaring the other heart patients awaiting surgery, or he is dying.. I think a little of both. he is still in need of visitors, cards, anything for stimulation. Even if he is not responding, we feel if people come by and just read to him or tell him stories he might come out of this. It really looked bad today tho, but who knows, tomorrow he might be up and running. The doctor is clueless too. I am still sick... day 4 of severe diarrhea here. Making it hard to get back and forth to the hospital.

Friday, March 16, day 23

Today I was informed that Nyle was very ill, the doctor called me and told me this morning they wanted to put him back on "no code" because his body is so damaged that any heroics would make it worse and not help. This is killing me. He also told me his temperature is not going down and is running around 105. When I got to the hospital they told me they had weighed him and he was now at 174 pound. He went in to the hospital weighing a little over 200. He lost 26 pound in 3 weeks, is covered in bed sores, will not uncurl from the fetal possition and looks awful. They can not even straighten him out by hand with 2 nurses and myself pulling on his legs.. and he shows no pain or awareness we are doing this either... As the day progressed the doctor who is covering for the heart surgeon was called in again, and he wanted to just let him be, told me he might not make it through the weekend, it was that bad, so I did some phone calling, got my freind to bring me some stuff from home so I could stay the night. Within an hour I was informed I better start calling relatives, he might not make it thru the night. I called Jackie at 3 and she and Gary were here by 3:30. Now they are asking permission to take him off the feeding, and antibiotics, as it is doing no good. Then they show my daughter how he is mottling, and have her touch his foot. He is now becoming a "secimen" to look at, and if he is concious at all by now, I am furious at how this is handled. They have insisted on discussing how bad he was all thruough this mess right in front of him. How he would always be a vegetable, how there was no hope. If I were him I woulda givin up hope by now myself. The neurologist came in and rudely turned Nyle's head around this way and that, looking at his eyes, and then was totally rude to me, I have witnesses to this one too...

My pastor arrives around 4:45. NOW they are asking me if I want them to START him on Morphine???? Good God!! I assumed they had given him something for pain in the first place! I say PULEESE do, Pastor Steve and Jackie,s boyfreind, Gary are frantically trying to get my attention, as Nyle is dying right now! I held his arm, his hands were so wet and sticky, and I talked to him as he struggled for every breath, by now his diaphram is totally paralyzed and he is using his neck muscles to breath. He died around 5 that night with all of us gathered around him. I still feel something went wrong at the hospital. They had him on insuline the whole time, his blood sugar before he died that day was over 500. I think he was in a diabetic coma, everything I know about it points to it. They say he died of "septic asperational pnemonia" Is that because they fed him less than 24 hours after he woke up from the aggitated coma he was in for 2 weeks? I don't understand, I am getting his records. At least the free part. To get all of them would cost me hundreds of dollars, they charge you for them, and his records were 8 inches thick.

This was a healthy 62 year old man, who didn't smoke, drink, was strong as an ox. And I took him in for a Valve replacement, and they killed him. That is the way I feel, and there was nothing I could do to help him. I have no answers, his heart doctor took a week to figure out an answer for me after Nyle died, and it was baloney and double-talk and excuses. Below is the note Jackie sent to our friends.

Friday, March 16, day 23

Hello friends. Mom has asked me to write this note to you all. It is probably one of the hardest I have had to write. I write this to tell you all that Dad (Nyle) passed away this eveing around 5pm. He had developed a high fever (105 degrees) over night and started going down hill from there. They also found that part of his diaphram was paralyzed which was making breathing extemely hard for him. All of this overloaded his heart. It was just to much work for it to bear. We were there for his last breaths. He was surrounded by mom, me, Gary, our Pastor Steve, and a dear friend Carole, and of course I am sure many angels. He died peacefully after a long fought struggle. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the prayers, support, and love shown throughout this ordeal. It is not over yet, especially for mom. Please keep her in your prayers, she is tired and scared. And to top it off has a nasty intestinal buggy. Thanks again, we love you all, and felt your prayers and support through it all. God Bless Jackie/Froggie

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This RingSurf Loved Ones Lost Webring
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ThisRingSurf Love Never Dies Net Ring
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Email: danciee@comcast.net