Puyallup Fair Floral Barn 2010

Welcome to the 2010 Puyallup Fair Floral Barn Web Page....I will take you on a tour of some of the flowers and let you meet some of the wonderful people who keep them alive and beautiful for your enjoyment at the Puyallup Fair in Puyallup, Washington! Please wait for the pictures to load...it is worth it!!

First off, this is the view at 6:00am coming into the Puyallup valley on the way to the Fair. I had to share this one right away. Amazing sunrise !!!!

Now let's meet some of the gang..... here, we have our fearless leader, Sherry. She is the floral barn superintendant and is one terrific boss to work for. She makes working at the fair so much fun, she has a steady crew she can count on from year to year!!

Next, we have the head of the judges... Marvel! She has to find all the judges for all the shows and keep track of who is clerking with who and make sure everyone is where they are sposed to be at the right time!.

This is Helene. She is usually found in the information booth, registering entrants and giving them their tags and entry numbers.

This is MaryJean. She is sometimes a clerk and sometimes works in the office with the judges books.

Larry is on the night shift, and keeper of the back gate... on the look out for evening entrants and emergency vehicles.

This is Colleen. She is into roses and has taken Best of Show a few times now, and we are very proud of her!

Here is Mary S. watering flowers. She was gone for a few years but joined us again this year.

This is Venicia, she works the night shift so I don't get to see too much of her, only about an hour overlap in shifts.

Marianne is working nights also, and is an old friend of mine, we go back to 1990 I think. I am so glad she joined the crew..

Darlene is on the night shift. Good thing shifts overlap or I would not get their pictures on!

This is Allen. He is a night person.

Galen is a part time school bus driver too. He comes to work for us after he gets done delivering his kids.

This awesome hanging basket is one of two that grace the front entrance to the floral barn. They are provided by Edgewood Nursery. They are huge. I would hate to even speculate on the weight of these !!

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Page 2 of the Fair with more people to meet!!

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