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Bitty Beaded Bead Tutorial

This tutorial is for Katie Bug in Alaska!!

I got hooked on the peyote beaded beads at Embellishment and have tried them in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 beads across and 6 rows down with delicas, 14's and 15's; haven't tried 11's yet because I really like the bitty beads best done with 8 beads in size 14's or 15's! There are a lot of peyote beaded bead both hollow and around a form techniques in magazines and web sites. Be careful, they are addictive!

Here's the recipe for bitty beaded beads I use:
String 1 gold or silver charlotte, then 6 choose your color delicas, 14's or 15's and one more gold or silver charlotte. Now flat peyote stitch across and down until you have 6 charlottes on each edge of the flat peyote piece.

Now zip up the sides and you have a small beaded bead. Weave your ends back and forth several times to reinforce the bead. I use Nymo O because I go through the beads so many times. The weaving in ends takes longer than the actual bead stringing.

The charlottes act as a spacer bead on each side of the beaded bead. You can then string onto wire and put a crystal or glass bead in between each beaded bead; add clasp and crimps.

If you are going to use spacer beads, then the recipe should be start with 6 beads across and then 6 rows down. I used Bali gold and silver spacers on some of the bracelets and then figured out the charlotte idea.

These are done in even peyote stitch so they can be zipped the same way you do an amulet bag bottom.

A variety of bracelets using delicas, charlottes, 14's and 15's. I used 22kt bright gold and mute gold and white gold and multi color gold delicas and a gold plated and sterling silver feather on the pricey beaded bead bracelets.

Questions? Email: Red


Bitty Beaded Bead Tutorial Copyright 1999 by Red
Bitty Beaded Bead Tutorial is owned and all
rights are reserved by Red Ventling.