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A Little About Me

....very little.....

Now’s the time to hit your BACK button, unless you really want to know something about life as I live it.

Still with me? Well then, I guess I’ll give you my view of myself in a nutshell. The people who like to get on my good side, say they think I’m around thirty-something….but really I’m well past that. I’m just starting to learn about the Web, so I guess you could say I’m a late bloomer. This is my first attempt at web pages and I hope they are improving as time goes by. I’ve been spending a lot of time browsing and I must say, it can be very addictive. Anyway, I’m working on this a little at a time and I think it’s coming along. EMT

In real life, I spend my working hours as a police/fire/medical dispatcher, and I’m just finishing up an Emergency Medical Technician course. I live on an Island and our medical aid services (ambulance) is mostly volunteer EMT’s. I hope to be able to devote some of my off duty time to that.


The rest of the time, if I’m not thinking about work, I tend to spend doing crafts and photography, or keeping track of my many collections. I collect fantasy art cards, fairies (you might have guessed), Barbie dolls (especially if they glitter), unusual pens/ink/ink wells, and just about anything with a moon & stars. My place is filled with moon, stars and a lot of sparkle/glitter.

That’s probably enough to have put you to sleep by now. So I’ll just say so long and thanks for dropping by.

Sign my guest book if you have time. I just put it in so there’s nothin’ to read in it could be the first!

Bye now.and come again.

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