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My Book of Todays

ITime to hit that "back" button, unless you are just curious about a stranger's life (aren't most of us just a little?) Still with me? Well then..
Why am I doing this here? I haven't been very faithful about writing down feelings in the many journals I have started (someone always finds them and reads them) but life is pretty rough right now and since there is no one to talk to I am going to try again. Here...because tho you are reading it, I doubt anyone I know will find it. Then too... this is here anytime, anywhere...

February 4, 2003 - Tuesday

Today was a hell of a day... I woke up fine but half an hour later I was yelling at Travis because he would not get ready for school (think he just did not want to go). Got him off and came home to Rob asking what was going on between me and Trav... decided to go to Alexandria to exchange some computer stuff and about half way there got the most excruciationg headache...thought I was going to fall over dead any moment... Absolutely could not make myself go to work. Got back home and fixed the computers then went to bed. Did not get up until my boss called at 5PM to see if I would be at work tomorrow. Fixed dinner and ever since have been getting more and more depressed... back to feeling like I am doing something wrong and I am not even doing anything. I think there is something I said incorrectly but for the life of me I can't figure out or remember what it was. Rob asked me what was going on and I said nothing...just have a headache... wonder if that was it....
hmmmmm well tomorrow is another day..

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