Matt got new gaiters mm the capt got them dirty The tired and weary sgt Grace and I Libby makes herself pretty in the morn,or was she gonna hit me with the brush ? Rich and Erique Grace ..always happy Father and son???? camp life the chaplin takes a break Linda holds Grace SGT Major ... a backhander??? Don Rests after cooking a meal Troops pass the camp Weary soldiers awaiting the battle of Roundtop return from Picket's Charge Erique Grace and I Sgt George holds Grace Return to The 50th Penna.Volunteer Infantry the Civil war Homepages Camp Chase Gazette List of order of battles Campaigns & battles ,,(in depth) Return to Homepage Email:
Matt got new gaiters mm the capt got them dirty
The tired and weary sgt
Grace and I
Libby makes herself pretty in the morn,or was she gonna hit me with the brush ?
Rich and Erique
Grace ..always happy
Father and son????
camp life
the chaplin takes a break
Linda holds Grace
SGT Major ... a backhander???
Don Rests after cooking a meal
Troops pass the camp
Weary soldiers
awaiting the battle of Roundtop
return from Picket's Charge
Erique Grace and I
Sgt George holds Grace
Return to The 50th Penna.Volunteer Infantry the Civil war Homepages Camp Chase Gazette List of order of battles Campaigns & battles ,,(in depth) Return to Homepage Email:
the Civil war Homepages Camp Chase Gazette List of order of battles Campaigns & battles ,,(in depth) Return to Homepage