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Rice Boys

What is a rice boy you ask?? Here is a page about "Rice boys". Rice Boy What the point of having a rig that can't make it over a speed bump cause they botttom out? Does that big exhaust tip give you alot more horse power along with that annoying high pitch noise? If so, how much?? 200+?? Screw getting a super charger and a V-8! I'll go buy like a 2.3 liter 4 banger, throw on like a 4 or 5 inch exhaust tip, and I'll be able to blow any vehicle away on the road! And along with some racing stripes, that will give me abbout how much speed? 50 mph??100?? I still gotta order my VTEC sticker! Gotta have one of those! I'll just hide when ever I see a 4x4 coming down the road. With my high performance lowering springs, along with my off-set wheels, and low profile tires, I'll have the best rig around! Honestly? What is the point of having all that? And you know why little "home boys" don't drivejacked up rigs? Cause with their 10 sized to big pants, sagging, they can't lift their leg high enough.