Capricorn 2025 [T-455]
(1) Town Hall (New York, NY); April 12, 1963
(2) Carnegie Hall (New York, NY); October 26, 1963
Tracklist: (1) Ramblin' Down Though the World, Bob Dylan's Dream,
Tomorrow Is A Long Time, Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag, Masters Of
War, Walls Of Red Wing, Hero Blues, Who Killed Davey Moore, With
God On Our Side, Dusty Old Fairgrounds, John Brown, You've Been
Hiding Too Long
(2) Lay Down Your Weary Tune, When The Ship Comes In, Percy's Song,
Seven Curses
EDLIS: This CD is worth having. Despite its packaging,
though, this is not the CD of the tracks from the unreleased LP.
The unreleased album is available on other CDs, including
Talking Too Much and the
Wild Wolf disc also titled In