The next time I hear someone proclaim that Jessica Lange is a great actress I will beat them with the nearest object. I don't know what would possess any actress no matter how poor to do such a by-the-book movie.
Jonathon Darby, writer/director, should be banned from ever making a film again.This is the worst written movie I've seen in quite a while. Within the first ten minutes you can figure out the whole plot and you won't be disappointed with yourself. It's so cliched and hack writing.
For those that don't know, the movie is about Helen (Gwyneth Paltrow). She falls in love with Jackson (Johnathon Schaech) and moves in with his mother. No big deal except for his mom is a complete psycho and Helen's the only one that can see that. It's like watching a really bad horror movie. Everyone is stupid.
Watch for the hilariously bad birth scene. It's so bad, it's funny. I give Hush a F.