The horror movie genre is back...thanks to Scream. So now we get all the offspring of the resurgence, good and bad. From the previews this looked bad, really bad. Dean Koontz movies aren't known for being top of the line.
Lisa Pailey (played by the delicious Rose McGowan) is taken to a small mountain town by her sister, Jennifer (Joanna Going). They arrive in the town and everyone seems to be dead and their Jeep won't start. The bizarre body parts holding on to items is fascinating, but that's only the first twenty minutes.
Lisa and Jennifer are found by the local police led by the sheriff, Bryce Hammond (Ben Affleck). They explore an odd hotel and discover a name written on a mirror. The military arrive with the man whose name was written on the mirror. Timothy Flyte (Peter O'Toole) is a tabloid reporter that has written many articles on mysterious disappearances.
The movie seems to falter after Flyte arrives, but until then, it is very captivating. Affleck is obviously acting for the money of the picture and McGowan definitely has no range of acting as she is playing her character from Scream, but with more clothing on. The special effects in the end are pretty cool, but the ending makes me want to ban the movie from ever being shown. I hate sequel set-ups. I give Phantoms a C-.