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Prince of Egypt

I have been waiting so long to see this movie. I almost felt I was giving it too much hype though. The higher your hopes are for a movie the better it must be for you to even remotely like it. I had really high hopes for Prince of Egypt. It delivered.

Val Kilmer is the perfect voice for Moses. He has the power to make us believe. Few can say the line "Behold the power of the Lord." without sounding stupid. Kilmer does it really well.

Several moments in the film can bring chills to anyone. When Moses turns the river to blood, turns the staff into a snake, or finds the burning bush, it is utterly amazing. The most incredible part is the fact that this is real. I don't mean to get preachy, but God kicks ass!

But I'm saving the best for last. The parting of the Red Sea left me with goosebumps and tears streaming down my cheeks. It was the single most incredible scene in movie history. Nothing can trump that. Nothing. Isn't that just like God?

I give The Prince of Egypt an A+.

Directed by Brenda Chapman Steve Hickner
Val Kilmer.... Moses
Ralph Fiennes.... Pharaoh Ramses
Sandra Bullock.... Miriam
Danny Glover.... Jethro
Jeff Goldblum.... Aaron
Steve Martin.... Hotep
Helen Mirren.... The Queen
Michelle Pfeiffer.... Tzipporah
Martin Short.... Huy
Patrick Stewart.... Seti

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