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The Sixth Sense

Summer movies are a breed of their own. They aren’t there to make you think, they’re there to entertain and escape. But the irony of this is when every film is aiming for the same goal, it gets boring. We need movies that will stir emotions and make us think. This summer we have been given the gift of The Sixth Sense.

Bruce Willis stars as Malcolm Crow, a child psychologist, that has been shot by a past grown-up patient and is having marital problems. He comes to help a small boy with a bizarre ability. Haley Joel Osment comes to life on the screen in a performance worthy of at least an Oscar nomination. I’ve never felt so much in a child’s eyes. His eyes carry volumes that words can never do.

The fear factor in this movie is nice and high and pulls at us in the Seven did. While The Sixth Sense is much milder in the gore, it takes us to a deepness that Seven never could.

I give The Sixth Sense a B+.

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