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Our Mutts

This is Hannah and Magnus:

Can you guess what mix Magnus is?

After we adopted Magnus from the Humane Society, the volunteers told us he would have been put to sleep the next day. They found him as a stray, kept him for six weeks, then shipped him to another HS kennel in hopes that he would be adopted.

He was approximately 18 months old when we adopted him. I took one look at him and fell in love. He has the saddest eyes and the gentlest of tempers, unlike his spastic sister who had a happy, spoiled puppyhood (exluding her first 8 weeks).

Hannah came from the Michigan Anti-Cruelty Society. We adopted her when she was eight weeks old. Her picture is on their donation envelope. The poor thing looks so pathetic.

Please be a responsible pet owner and spay or neuter your pet! These two beautiful mutts may not have been alive today if my husband and I did not adopt them. Thousands of homeless pets are losing their lives every day because there are not enough loving homes to accomodate all the strays.

Benefits of neutering a male:

  1. Less likely to roam
  2. Less likely to fight
  3. Less likely to leg lift in the house
  4. Less likely to bite
  5. Spared from testicular or prostate cancer
Benefits of spaying a female:
  1. Reduce the chance of breast cancer if spayed before her first heat
  2. Protected from other reproductive system cancers
  3. Will not develop pyometra, a life-threatening infection of the uterus
  4. Will not spot your carpets from being in heat
  5. Will not attract male callers
...and the number one reason to spay and neuter your pet is...

to help reduce pet overpopulation!

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This Spay/Neuter - Save a Life Ring
site is owned by Daphne, Seffy, Hannah, and Magnus.
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