Finally, I have gotten the chance to add this section about my own personal aquarium. I have been so busy with adding the other sections and finding information that I almost forgot about this section completely. So here it is..
The Tank and Equipment:
55 gallon tank
Filter: Penguin 160 w/Biowheel made by Marineland
Two Powerheads
The Fish:
2 Angelfish; one black w/ white stripes and the other is white with black fins
2 Opaline Gouramis
1 Blue Gourami
2 Paradise Gouramis
7 Tiger Barbs
1 Plecostomus
4 Catfish-Corydoras
1 Labidiochromis
The Conditions:
water temperature: constant 80-84°F
I hope to eventually add some pictures from my tank, the only problem is that right now I don't have a scanner. Once I do get one, I will try to add some pictures of my tank.
Let me know what you think of my site. Email me at: