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Aquarium Plants

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Choosing Plants

The most important thing to remember when you are buying plants for your aquarium is the amount of lighting that you have. Since plants use the process of photosynthesis to grow, getting enough light is very important in maintaining there health. Some plants require a lot of light, other plants can live with very little light at all and still grow and be perfectly healthy. The key is to buy the plants that will thrive and be healthy in the amount of light you can provide. There are some kinds of plants that will grow to be pretty tall like Amazon Sword plants. I have four of these in my tank and they are each about 12 inches tall and still growing. The Amazons are background plants and, because of their size, it is a good idea to place them in the back of your tank where they won't hide smaller plants(foreground plants). There are also midground plants that don't get as large as the Amazon Swords, but big enough that you will want to have them in between your large plants and your foreground plants. Right now in my tank, I am in the process of adding new plants. For a long time all that I had were the Amazon Swords. Then I saw a display in a pet store, and I realized that it gave the aquarium more variety, which made it more attractive. My fish seem to enjoy this new variety of plants and they appear to be more active as a result. Now, I'm not saying that the cure for inactive fish is adding a variety of plants to your aquarium, it's just that my fish seem to be more active and I am sure adding new plants didn't hurt.
