HI! My nickname is "BERRY" do
you get it? Loganberry! I am 23 lbs and
very, very tall. I also have big feet, just
like my brother and Poppy.I am 13 months old
now. I am
doing new things all the time. My newest
thing is dancing with my brother. I am
walking now, and I have running down pat.
Mommy doesn't like that though! She says I
am too fast. I love to get into the kitchen
cupboards and pull everything out! But my
Poppy put these funny little white things in
the cupboards, and now I can't get them open.
Darn you, Poppy! I love my most favorite big
brother. He makes me laugh all the time.
Unless, it's one of the times he is sitting
on me or kissing me too hard. Usually, he
dances around, and I laugh soooo hard that
everyone starts laughing. Also, my Mommy taught me sign
language..so I can communicate better with
her and Poppy. I know so many words...milk,
please, more, dog, cat, cracker, Kasey,
thank-you and I am still learning lots