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Hello, and welcome to "I'm a breastfed Kid" webring. The "I'm a breastfed baby " webring rules are....
1, Your page MUST be family friendly, no pornography or links to adult sites.
2, Your page cannot be just links to other sites.
3, You must have a child that is, or was breastfed, and the ring should be put on his or her's page.
4, You must say something on your page about breastfeeding. (it doesn't matter what you say as long as it says something about breastfeeding or nursing.)

I will explore your site and if I like it, it will be added to the "I'm a breastfed kid" webring!!:-) Please go HERE to fill out the form to join!

This is what the webring will look like once it is on your site!

This I'm a breastfed kid site
is owned by Logan and Mommy

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Breast is Best!
one more thing, PLEASE download the image onto your OWN computer. All you have to do is right click and press "save picture as"!THANX!

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