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I didn't use cloth diapers with Big L, I wish I would have. I have no idea why, but every time I would put a Huggies on Little L I would feel bad. I'm not sure why I felt that way-I just did. So I switched to cloth diaper. On this page you will learn about the differant types of cloth diapers and I'll include a list of helpful tips for you.

Types of cloth

Flat diapers (Also known as square diapers)
These diapers are a large flannel square...usualy white square. It can be folded in many different ways to create thickness for absorbency where needed. They dry very quickly, but a diaper cover is needed. You use pins or snappies to keep the diaper on. (I like to use pins)

They are called a prefold because the layers of thickness are already prefolded for you. I find that they do not dry as fast as the flat diaper, but they work well. Pins, snappies or inserting the prefold right into the cover keeps the diaper on. A cover is need with prefolds.

A fitted diaper looks just like a disposable diaper. Velcro is use to keep the diaper on. There is elastic around the legs, helping to keep leaks in the diaper and they are very easy to put on baby. A cover is needed with fitted diapers.

All-In-One (Also known as AIO)...
These are the most expensive cloth diapers that you can buy. They are fitted, have the cover sewn in and they usualy have a liner sewn in as well. They are easiest to use by far. Some say that they take a long time to dry, but I don't agree- I think they dry pretty fast.

What goes over the cloth diaper?

Diaper covers (Also known as wraps) There are many types of covers. I had no idea how many till I started using cloth. Here is a list of some typus of cloth diaper covers..
Pull-on pants, also called plastic pants, go on the baby like pants. They are very useful, though if the baby has skinny legs or a skinny belly they tend not to fit quite right, allowing gaps in the legs or stomach area.
Wraps give a closer fit than pull-on pants and so they are ideal for babies with skinny or chubby legs or bellies. They go on similar to fitted diapers. They have a strip of velcro on the front and velcro tabs on wings.
Fleece has an interesting property in that it is naturally water-resistant and dries rapidly. Polar fleece covers are very breathable and great for nighttime diapering. The biggest drawback is that when pressure is applied for a bit of time fleece will allow the urine to soak through making them not so great to use if the baby will be sitting in the carseat for a long time.
Wool, as their name implies are made of wool. They are also ideal for nighttime diapering. They are designed to become wet with urine on the inside, but the natural properties of wool prevent them from leaking. The biggest drawback to wool soakers is that they require a bit of care including lanolinizing (which maintains the waterproof barrier of the soaker) every once in a while.

Wet or Dry pail?

Dry Pail
If you choose to use a dry pail, simply put the soiled diapers in the pail until wash day. If you have a problem with odors, sprinkle a little baking soda in the pail. Any that gets on the diapers will just be washed out. Another natural deodorizing option in to soak a cloth wipe in vinegar and put it in the bottom of the pail and wash with the diapers.

Wet Pail
If you choose to use a wet pail, fill the pail halfway with plain water, or water mixed with any combination of baking soda, and/or white vinegar. When you change the baby's diaper, put it in the pail to soak. You will probably want to change the water in the pail every other day or so. Make sure the lid fits on the pail very tightly, preferably childproof, to prevent a curious toddler from drowning in the water.

How to wash cloth diapers

One thing you will learn is that there is no one correct way to wash cloth diapers. Choose whichever method suits you and your family best. how *I* wash my cloth diapers..
1-Pour the entire wet pail into the washer and put the washer on spin cycle to get rid of all the water. I let it spin till all the water is drained from the washer..about 1 minute, somtimes less.

2-Dump the dry pail into the washer.

3-Add a normal scoop of washing detergent, I like to use the Sunlight brand.

4-I only use cold water to wash my diapers, because hot water sets poo stains into the diaper.

5-I always set my machiene for an extra rinse. I also use fabric softner. Alot of people say not to use Fabric softer because it kills the absorbancy of the diapers, but I do not find this to be true at all.

6-When the wash is done I hang all the diapers outsite to dry. Voila, the end.

Hint's and Tip's for fighting stains.

Hang or lay a diaper to dry in the sun for a few hours and the sun's rays will naturally bleach the stain. It's the best way to dry cloth diapers.

For a bad lay the diaper outside on the grass at night. The dew, combined with the sun, will help get the stain out in the morning.

Lemon Juice
Apply a little lemon juice (right from a real lemon) to a stain and set it out in the sun. The stain will be gone in just a couple hours.

White vinegar added to the rinse water helps get stains out. It also helps whiten and brighten whites diapers.