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----- Intercepted Alien Transmission -----
Agent Z : Xilef
Agent Orange : Xixien
Point of Origin : Unknown
Species : Unknown
Transmitted : 19 June 1999 17:23:777' AM

Intercepted in the Jet City / Satellite Sector.
Purpose Unknown / Investigations Pending.

--- Xixien ::
ok, maybe its all true! but that monkey had it coming....

--- Xilef ;:
oh i'm not so sure about that......the lethal frisbees were flying everywhere and the rubber glo-in-the-dark skulls weren't lifting a finger to improve anyone's situation.......then what do you do when blue jell-o developes A.I.? > > Huh??

--- Xixien ::
> > > > A.I.? funny it always has to be artificial.
why can't they just have REAL inteligence? is intelligance all A.I.?

--- Xilef ;:
you and your wise-ass devil's advocate's aI cause peoples are stupid and apparently any intelligence coming from an organic source is the only kind of "real" by that token a head of cabbage is smarter than a calculator. do i have to explain everything? speaking of devil's advocate questions......i been thinking, in my own aI way, and maybe lies make the world go round.....the flipside of any bad penny is only the supposedly evil twin stepsister of it's reflection or a good nun on the run with a's all a form of fabrication what is real? what is truth? can you answer your own questions? i was pissing today and i thought that "i don't know" is the best general all purpose answer to anything.....other than "fawk, i don't care" which tends to get people, master Xixien, is there no such thing as honesty? there is only the delusion of honesty? you can take any word and nullify it. i'm not sure what to do with people anymore......fillet and bread them in a seasoned batter? take them to a taxidermist?


--- Xixien ::
i gues AI sounds cooler than RI anyway..... real = what makes people feel cozy inside. what makes them fell like everything is going to be ok if you believe in it. so you don't have to worry about falling of the planet, or some giant ocean-organizm schlorping outta tha sea coming to eat you, or swallow your soul. people like their delusions, its just shmucks like us who question our own comfort levels.... and who want to ruin everyone elses comfort levels about things around them.... taxidermist has always worked, they just have to have an open mind! jello is too painful, the aliens will have to come down and set things write.

--- Xilef ;:
woop woop wooop woop wooooooop wooop wooop
albaster concraster inlake concrete failty
remorse globular tr5inity fivestar roadwhore
asphalt cerulean tapestry

--- end transmission ---