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you!!!'re insane, slappy-cat! snivelling snog-vermin retro-snipe!!'re komp-weet-wee kwaaaaazy wacky whee!!!.......shtoo!!'re mad as a freakin' hatter..(it came from sniffing glue)...yer totally looney tunes, froot loop*!! oh. wait. you're not who i thought you were. forget it. yeah, you're sane. go away. *"froot loop" is a completely fictitious phrase and bears absolutely no resemblance to any real artificial food product which implies it is somehow nutritious when in fact it's little more than sugar held together by a complex web of synthetic and semi-natural organic matter. but it's ok. if you look at the ingredients listing of your favorite products to consume and there are more numbers than words you recognize then it's probably safe. scientists want you to be well.