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NO CLUE LIVE, 2/15/03, AT THE PRAIRIE BAR AND GRILL in BRUSH PRAIRIE, WA!!!No Clue:   Bringing people a little closer together.
PAULA AND HUEY'S LABOR DAY WEEKEND PARTY (AUGUST 31st, 2002)Swimming pool, hot tub, great food, party people, acreage, ..........and No Clue!!!
OMEGA CUSTOM HOME'S 2002 PARTY (AUGUST 10TH, 2002)Mike and Christine did it again! Click here for the graphic pictorial details!!!
NO CLUE LIVE, JULY 4TH 2002, AT THE WESTERN DAYS CELEBRATION in INDEPENDENCE, OREGON!!! Click here for astonishing, amazing photos of the boys playing in front of thousands (no, really!)!!!
NO CLUE LIVE, 5/18/02, AT THE PRAIRIE BAR AND GRILL in BRUSH PRAIRIE, WA!!!Softball players have been known to party.  Click here for pictures from No Clue's May 18th, 2002 show at The Prairie Bar and Grill!!
NO CLUE LIVE, 4/19/02, AT THE PRAIRIE BAR AND GRILL in BRUSH PRAIRIE, WA!!! They're going head over heels over No Clue.  Click here for pictures from our April 19th, 2002 show at The Prairie Bar and Grill!!
NO CLUE'S CAMPIN' ROCKIN' 40TH BIRTHDAY THING!!! Click here for pictures from our August, 2001 Campin' Rockin' 40th Birthday Bash, celebrating the 40th birthdays of Mark Horn (you know, the keyboard guy from No Clue), Craig Stringfellow (the bass guy), and Mark Kimbrough (a rabid fan, and a co-host)!!
OMEGA CUSTOM HOME'S 2001 COMPANY GALA!!!!! Click here for pictures from Omega Construction's 2001 company party, featuring No Clue.
HALLOWEEN 2000 WITH NO CLUE!!!Click here for pictures from our Halloween 2000 show at McCulley's........(McWho?)
AUGUST, 1999:  THE 2nd ANNUAL ROCK-n-ROLL CAMP OUT AT LEE'S U-CATCH, in VERNONIA, OREGON!!!The weather was cold and drizzly - August in Oregon.  Fortunately, No Clue was there to warm things up (and Jason was there to keep everyone dry).
NO CLUE LIVE, DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS!!! Click here for an exciting pictorial retrospective of the boys in action (playing music, that is) as the years have gone by!!
NO CLUE AFTER HOURS!!! Click here for the dark side of No Clue!!
MEET NO CLUE!!!Click here for exciting pictures and revealing facts about the bandmembers!!!...

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