A comicbook comp. responsible for many cool reads such as Changay.
A great place to find collaborators and misc. info on making comics!!!
A comicbook specialty store, where you can order books.
The maker of the BEST Rpg's
Gerad's Final Fantasy III page
A very cool page about FF3
A town of Final Fantasy. It has many midis, FF art and the Freedom RPG!.
A game company making the awesome RPG Miura Warrior! Go there NOW.
The home of a cool RPG game called Legends of Old.
A software company maker of Tales of the Heroes.
The makers of Doom and Quake NUFF' said!
One of the coolest Quake sites. Many patches and TC's
The only Quake page for puertoricans!!! Q2...Mmmm.... :)
The Best computin Mag ever, in it's online version
A still unfinished page about macross courtesy of my bud Sakura
Another page from a friend the always funny Khan Dogus
Last Updated Feb 1, 1998 by Angelo