Bad Eggs
This is so sad! Willow has barely any lines on this one! I was thinking about not even making a page for this ep, but then I thought that that would be, here are the only ones...
- Xander: Well, you know. It's the whole sex leads to responsibility thing, which I personally don't get. You gotta take care of the egg, it's a baby. You gotta keep it safe and teach it Christian values.
Willow: My egg is Jewish.
Xander: Then teach it that dreidel song.
- Willow: It didn't break, how come it didn't break?
Xander: Which is another secret to conscientious egg care. A pot of scalding water and about eight minutes.
Willow: You boiled your young?
Xander: Yeah, I know it sounds cruel, but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind.
- Xander: Enough said. I propose Buffy slays them, all in favor?
Willow: Aye.
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