Becoming-Part I

  • Willow: Don't say that! You're gonna pass everything. I will get you through this semester if I have to sweat blood.
    Xander: Do you think you're likely to? 'Cause I'd like to be elsewhere.
    Willow: It was only metaphor blood.
    Oz: I think you'd sweat cute blood.
    Willow: Aww!

  • Buffy: Waah! This doesn't make any sense.
    Willow: Well, sure it does. See... Oh no, it doesn't make any sense.
    Buffy: It's senseless.
    Willow: It is, but at least you know that, so you're learning.
    Buffy: Yay me.

  • Willow: Well, I've been going through her files and, and researching the black arts, for fun, or educational fun, and I may be able to work this.
    Giles: W-Willow... channeling... such potent magics through yourself, it could open a door that you may not be able to close.
    Buffy: I don't want you putting yourself in any danger, Will.
    Willow: And I don't want danger. Big 'no' to danger, but I may be the best person to do this.

  • Buffy: [speaking with Willow on the phone]: Well, I'll do a couple of sweeps, and then I'll stop by.
    Willow [on phone].......
    Buffy: Yeah, Xander was pretty much being a... Willow [on phone]........ Buffy: Willow! Where did you learn that word? My God! You kiss your mother with that mouth?

  • Willow: Okay, somebody explain the whole 'he will suck the world into Hell' thing, because that's the part I'm not loving!

  • Buffy: Willow might be our only hope.
    Willow: I don't want to be our only hope. I crumble under pressure. Let's have another hope.

  • Willow: You can learn this real easily. But if you're just gonna give up, don't waste my time.
    Buffy: Wow, you are a good teacher.

    Becoming-Part II
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