
  • Willow: So naturally they're dealing with the crisis the only way they know how: Aftershock party.
    Buffy: Ah. This from the dorm that brought us the "Somebody Sneezed Party" and the "Day that ends in "Y" party".

  • Willow: I found him...this guy on the bed with me, dead. Not me dead, he dead.

  • Willow: So I'm thinking, the whatever took a bunch of the guy's blood with him. And I haven't been a nerd for a very long time! Hello! Dating a guitarist. Or I was...

  • Giles: It's the end of the world.
    Buffy, Willow, Xander: Again?!!

  • Spike: I mean, am I even remotely scary anymore? Tell me the truth.
    Willow: Well, the shirt is kinda...not very threatening. And the short pants...but, you know, it could also be 'cause I know you can't bite. Which I guess isn't what you really need to hear right now.

  • Willow: Great, no Word of Valios.
    Xander: Not even a syllable of Valios.
    Spike: Which means I'm one step closer to melting in a sea of molten hell-fire, yeah?
    Willow: You shouldn't talk like that. Yeah, okay, so you can't kill anymore, but there's other fun things you can do. You'll adjust.

  • Spike: You. Kids your age are going off to university. You've made it as far as the basement. And Red couldn't even keep dog-boy happy. You can take the loser out of high school, but...
    Willow: I see what you're doing. You're trying to get us to dust you.
    Spike: Am not! I just don't want pity from geeks more useless than I am.
    Willow: We're not useless. We...we help people. We fight the forces of evil.
    Spike: Buffy fights the forces of evil. You're her groupies.

  • Willow: I think we're near the library. Whoa! Check out the new floor plan.

  • Riley: Well, hey! Willow, and Xander, right? Geeze, what are the chances, huh? Yeah, I was just passing by, and I thought I heard people inside.
    Willow: You were just passing by, in your G.I. Joe outfit?

  • Xander: It's kinda weird being back, isn't it?
    Willow: Yeah. Everything seems so small... and more charred and ruiny.

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