Goodbye Iowa

  • Buffy: Xander, what about your basement? The guys haven't seen us together that much, and there's enough room.
    Willow: Ooh, plus, mirror ball.

  • Buffy: That would never happen.
    Willow: Well, no, Buff, that's why they call them cartoons, not documentaries.

  • Willow: (to Giles) Well, look who's cranky-bear in the morning.

  • Buffy: That was the idea. Riley was supposed to be Mr. Joe Guy. We were gonna do dumb things, like hold hands through the daisies, going 'tra-la-la.'
    Willow: Poor Buffy. Your life resists all things average.

  • Willow: With your grace, may we speak of your benevolence. Or not.

  • Buffy: There's no way I can get near him until I come up with a better plan than just storming in and getting us all shot.
    Willow: Yeah, you might want to work the kinks out of that one.

  • Buffy: It was like Maggie designed him to be the ultimate warrior. He's smart and fast. He gave the commando guys the slip with no problem.
    Willow: There's got to be a flaw.
    Buffy: I think the part where he's pure evil and kills randomly was an oversight.

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