
I just had to put this little poem in, because it was so creepy!!!...

  • Little girl: Can't even shout, can't even cry, the gentlemen are coming by, looking in windows, knocking on doors, they need to take seven, and they might take yours. Can't call to Mom, can't say a word, you're gonna die screaming, but you won't be heard.

    Now, for the actual Willow quotes:

  • Willow: Man, that was an exciting class, huh?
    Buffy: Oh,
    Willow: And the last twenty was a revelation. Just laid out everything we need to know for the final. I'd hate to have missed that.
    Buffy: Just tell me I didn't snore.
    Willow: Very discreet. Minimal drool.

  • Buffy: So, not stellar, huh?
    Willow: Talk. All talk. Blah, blah, Gaia. Blah, blah, moon. Menstrual life-force power thingy.

  • Buffy: No actual witches in your witch group?
    Willow: No. Bunch of wanna-blessed-be's. You know, nowadays, every girl with a henna tattoo and a spice rack thinks she's a sister to the dark ones.

  • Willow: Hey, how's with you and Riley? You two seemed pretty snugly after class.
    Buffy: See above re: Talk. All talk.
    Willow: Do I have to tie you two together?

  • Willow: Well, get with it. I need my vicarious smoochies.

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