Lover's Walk

  • Willow: This is a nightmare. This is... My world is spinning.
    Xander: It's not that bad, Willow, really.
    Willow: 740? Verbal?! I'm-I'm... pathetic! Illiterate! I'm Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel.

  • Willow: Buffy! Hey! Did you get your SAT scores?
    Xander: By the look on your face, I'm guessing that you and I are gonna be manning the drive-thru window, side by side.
    Buffy: They're just test scores, right? What do they really mean, anyway?
    Willow: [looks at Buffy SAT scores] 1430! Buffy, you kicked ass!
    [everyone stare at Willow]
    Willow: Okay, so academic achievement gets me a little excited.

  • Willow: Great! Double bowling date. I'm on Oz's team.
    Xander: Yeah? Well, prepare to be crushed. [Towards Cordelia]Maybe we should practice.
    Willow: They don't stand a chance. I'm really good. Or I used to be, when they had the inflatable things in the gutters.

  • Willow: What's this?
    Oz: It's a gift.
    Willow: What's the occasion?
    Oz: Pretty much you are.
    Willow:[she opens her present]Oh! It's a little, PEZ witch!
    Oz: It's kind of a theme present. Do you like it?
    Willow: I like... I-I more than like. Oz, this is probably the sweetest... We have to find a little PEZ werewolf!, so little PEZ witch can have a boyfriend!
    Oz: I don't think they make a werewolf Pez. You might have to settle for a wacky cartoon doll.
    Willow: This is just so thoughtful.
    Oz: Well, I think about you.
    Willow: I don't have anything to give you.
    Oz: Yeah you do.

  • Willow: It's bad bowling. I-it's a double date, with all of us, and they're gonna know!
    Xander: How are they gonna know?
    Willow: It's a very intimate situation. It's all sexy with the smoke and the sweating and the shoe rental.
    Xander: You're turned on by rented shoes?
    Willow: That's not the issue.

  • Spike: She only did it to hurt me. So I said, 'I'm not putting up with this anymore.' And she said, 'Fine!' And I said, 'Yeah, I've got an unlife, you know!' And then she said...[sobbing] she said we could still be friends. God, I'm so unhappy!
    Willow: There, there.
    Spike: I mean, friends! How could she be so cruel? [He looks at Willow] Mmm. That smell... Your neck... I haven't had a woman in weeks.
    Willow: Whoa! No! Hold it!
    Spike: Well, unless you count that shopkeeper.
    Willow: Now, now, hold on! I-I'll do your spell for you, and, and, and I'll get you Drusilla back, but, but there will be no bottle-in-face, and there will be no 'having' of any kind with me. Alright?

  • Willow: Xander? Are you okay?
    Xander: Dizzy. Kind of nauseous, too. Do I remember having a fight with Spike?
    Willow: You do.
    Xander: I won, right? Kicked his ass?
    Willow: You were real brave. Do you need to barf?

  • Willow: He's out of control. I mean, not that he was Joe Restraint in the old days.
    Xander: So what are our options?
    Willow: Well, I figure either... I refuse to do the spell and he kills us, or I do the spell and... he kills us.
    Xander: Give me a third option.
    Willow: He's so drunk he forgets about us, and we starve to death. That's sort of the best one.
  • Xander: Are you nuts? Or have you forgotten that I tend to have bad luck with these sorts of spells?!
    Willow: But you said that you wishes that these feelings would just go away!
    Xander: Yeah, I wish for a lot of things. I told you that I wished I was a fireman in sixth grade, but you didn't follow through on that!
    Willow: I can't do this anymore Xander. This whole us thing is... blah!
    Xander: So, do you really need to resort to the black arts to keep out hormones in check!
    Willow: At this point, I'm thinking no!

  • Xander: Feather... and who will I be tickling?
    Willow:[smiles flatterd, then realizes that she's being naughty] Shush.

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