What's My Line? Part II

Also a very good episode. My friend Jess gives it "2 Thumbs Up!" I would have to agree.

  • Buffy: Don't look ok? But, that guy over there is totally checking you out.
    Willow: Oh, that's Oz. He's expressing computer nerd solidarity.

  • Giles: There are 43 churches in Sunnydale? It seems a little excessive.
    Willow: It's the extra evil vibe from the Hellmouth. It makes people pray harder.

  • Kendra: The Slayer Handbook insists on it.
    Willow: There's a Slayer Handbook?
    Buffy: Handbook? What handbook? How come I don't have a handbook?
    Willow: Is there a t-shirt too? Cause that would be cool.

  • Willow: Hold him steady!

  • Willow: Buffy would never do that. Oh...except for sometimes you do that.

  • Oz: Oh look! A monkey! And he has a little hat. And little pants.
    Willow: Yeah! I see.
    Oz: The monkey's the only cookie animal that gets to where clothes, you know that!?...You have the sweetest smile I've ever seen. So, I'm wonderin', do the other cookie animals feel sort of ripped? Like, is the hippo goin' "Hey man, where are my pants? I have my hippo dignity." And you know the monkey's just [french accent]" I mock you with my monkey pants." Sounds very cool in the zoo.
    Willow: [giggles] The monkey is french?
    Oz: All monkey's are french, you didn't know that?
    Willow: [giggles more] No.

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