The Wish

I thought that this was a very good episode. The introduction of the Evil Willow is wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen a better character played by Alyson Hannigan. The evil skankiness is so believeable! She did a most excellent job as the Vampire Willow and congrats to her for that!

  • Willow: At least tomorrow's Monday, another school day.
    Buffy: Well, that's good. You know, focus on school. That's the strong Willow way to heal.
    Willow: Actually, I was more thinking Oz will be there, and I can beg for forgiveness.

  • Willow: Absolutely....I'm in. I'm on the joy train.

  • Evil Willow: So, you're pleased?
    Master: Ecstatic.
    Evil Willow: Then... can I play with the puppy?

  • Evil Willow: That's right, Puppy... Willow's gonna make you bark.

  • Evil Willow: Bored now.

  • Evil Willow: Bored now. Daytime's the worst. Cooped up for hours. Can't hunt. The Master said I could play. Isn't that fun puppy?... Aww. Puppy's being all quiet. Come on, don't be a spoiled sport.

  • Willow: Darn tootin!

  • Evil Willow: No fun. She didn't even hardly fight.

  • Willow: Oz hasn't been to his locker. There may be books in there that he needs. But still, he doesn't come.

  • Willow: Isn't he gonna go poof?!

  • Evil Willow: Uh oh. Puppy got out.

  • Evil Willow: This is the part that's less fun... when there isn't any screaming.

  • Willow: Oh God. Demon, demon. What kills a demon?
    Buffy:[being choked by demon] Knerf.
    Willow: Oh, knerf. Not knerf, knife!

  • Willow: Oz, wait. Please? What I did... when I think that... I hurt you.
    Oz: Yeah, you said all this stuff already.
    Willow: Right, but I want to make it up to you. I mean, if you let me. I want to try.
    Oz: Just... you can leave me alone. I need to figure things out.
    Willow: But maybe if we talk about it, we could...
    Oz: Look, I'm sorry this is hard for you. But I told you what I need. So I can't help feeling like the reason you want to talk is so that you can feel better about yourself. That's not my problem.

  • Willow: Oz, wow. Look at us. Running into each other as two people who go to the same school are so likely to do now and then.

  • Willow: It's true. Cordelia belongs to the justified camp. She should make us pay. And pay and pay and pay. In fact, there's not enough pay for what...
    Xander: Look, you want to do guiltapalooza? Fine. But I'm done with that. Starting this minute, I'm gonna grab a hold of that crazy little thing called life and let it do it's magical little healy thing. What's done is done. Let's be in the moment.

  • Master: You killed the girl who sought The Slayer?
    Xander: It was too easy.
    Willow: I felt cheap.

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