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David A. Pickenpaugh
P.O. Box 242
Marblemount, WA 98267

Pickenpaugh - Pickinpaugh - Pickingpaugh

Peckenpaugh - Peckinpaugh - Peckinpah - Pekinpaugh

Pickenbaugh - Peckenbaugh - Beckenbaugh

I can fill a whole page of these different spellings for the name, BECKENBACH.

If your line came to America before 1800, there is almost a 100% chance that you are descended from Johannes Beckenbach of Eiterbach, Germany and we are cousins; Maybe 5th, 6th, 7th or even 8th, but cousins all the same!

If you doubt this, I would like you to send me an email to with the subject line "Beckenbach" and I will send you an Invitation and Password to our "Beckenbach Descendants & Connections" site at

We have , at this date September 10,2000, almost three hundred other descendants, and pictures and pictures and pictures of these cousins.

We have a Beckenbach Family Tree that shows how we all connect; generations and generations of families, that share this same Beckenbach blood line.

In May of this year, forty plus members from all over the US, came together in Crawford County, IN to clean up and make repairs to an "old Peckinpaugh" cemetery. While we were there, we visited with over fifty Pekinpaughs having a reunion not 50 miles from this same cemetery.

On August 25 - 28th, 2000, we had our First Beckenbach NW Reunion in Washington State. 32 cousins showed up, only four of which were also at the Crawford county cemetery clean-up and reunion.

Plans are underway for a Southwest Reunion, a Midwest Reunion and a Southeast Reunion over the next year.

There are other names on our site, descendants of other families that conected with Beckenbach families in the 1700 - 1800's, I will name only a few of them here. Huckleberry, Bartholomew, Bruner/Brunner, Walker, Swank, and that IS ONLY a few of them.

These families connected in MD in 1751 and many traveled togather to PA, OH, WV, KY, IN, MO, OK, KS,CA, AZ, OR & WA and points in between.

We are NOT SELLING ANYTHING nor ASKING FOR MONEY, we share the Genealogy Addiction and want to share information and contacts. There are no due or fees. You will find advertisement on the site from MyFamily.Com, but it is a small thing to pay to have the site for free.

IT IS PRIVATE and therefore the reason for requiring an Invite & Password to view the site.

You will find some of this information, just a small part of it, here on my "Pickenpaugh Family" page.

To return to our main page, click your "back" button.