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Ripples: Poetry by Deborah Beachboard



          In the Year of Mary Poppins

          Grandpa's first wife painted the oil that hung
          in Grandma's living room forty years more than I was old -
          distant mountains, deep forest, giant boulders,
          a single bird swooping low over still water,
          never changing -
          and it was there every time we ran to Grandma
          to escape the madness of Dad's drinking binge.
          Mom would take us back after the hangover tamed his rage,
          but I always closed my eyes
          and wished for the magic Mary used to enter
          Bert's sidewalk drawing.

All content at Ripples is copyright 2002 by Deborah Beachboard.
Please use the email link to contact her with any questions or permission to use poems/graphics
Fonts used to create graphics are Papyrus and Pristine.