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Dmitri Tertyshny: 1976-1999

I was at a Woodstock party when I found out about Dmitri's accident. He was only 22 years old--that's way too young to die. I still feel sick when I think of how it happened... I met him once, at a Flyers practice. I asked him, " So-- how do you like America?" Not yet having a good handle on the English language, he seemed surprised by the question. Then he answered simply and sincerely, "It is a good country!" He then proceeded to sign all the various objects that were presented to him, a sweet smile brightening his face all the while.

I attended the game that was played between the Flyers and Phantoms in his memory, and I thought that was a beautiful gesture on the part of the Flyers organization. The most powerful moment was when his mother and father and wife were standing out at mid-ice, and all of the near-sell out crowd rose and gave them a long and loving standing ovation.... I couldn't hold back the tears then.

I thought this would be a good way to honor Dmitri's memory. I'll never forget him.

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