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7.65mm PP Walther - 7.65 Automatic
Cartridge: 7.65mm, Feed: 8 round detachable magazine, Weight: 1.5lbs., Effective Range: 150ft, Damage: 2D6 per round.

Browning GP 35 - 9mm Automatic
Cartridge: 9mm, Feed: 13 round detachable magazine, Weight: just under 2lbs., Effective Range: 120ft, Damage: 2D6 per round.

.45 Model 15 General Officers - .45 Automatic
Cartridge: .45 ACP, Feed: 7 round detachable magazine, Weight: just over 2lbs., Effective Range: 135ft, Damage: 4D6 per round.


7.65mm Model 61 Skorpion - 7.65 Sub-Machinegun
Cartridge: 7.65mm or .32 ACP, Feed: 10 or 20 round detachable magazine, Weight: 3.5lbs., Effective Range: 150ft, Damage: 2D4 per round.

Ingram Model 10 - .45 Sub-Machinegun
Cartridge: .45 ACP, Feed: 30 round detachable magazine, Weight: 6.25lbs., Effective Range: 600ft, Damage: 4D6 per round.

9mm Uzi - 9mm Sub-Machinegun
Cartridge: 9mm, Feed: 25 or 30 round detachable magazine, Weight: 7.5lbs., Effective Range: 600ft, Damage: 2D6 per round.

The RDF Sub-Machine Pistol - 9mm
Cartridge: 9mm, Feed: 30 round detachable magazine, Weight: 5.5lbs., Effective Range: 500ft, Damage: 2D6 per round.


30-06 Hunting Rifles
Feed: 5 round chamber, Weight: 5.75lbs., Effective Range: 1200ft, Damage: 5D6 per round.

5.56mm M16A1 - 5.56 Assault Rifle

Cartridge: 5.56mm, Feed: 20 or 30 round detachable magazine, Weight: 6.5lbs., Effective Range: 1200ft, Damage: 4D6 per round.


.30 Calibre Light Machinegun
Feed: 100, 200, or 250 round belts, Weight: 15.25lbs., Effective Range: 2500ft, Damage: 5D6 per round.

.5.62mm Calibre Light Machinegun
Feed: 100, 200, or 250 round belts, Weight: 20.5lbs., Effective Range: 3000ft, Damage: 5D6 per round.

.50 Calibre Heavy Machinegun
Feed: 100, 200, or 250 round belts, Weight: 30-100lbs., Effective Range: 3000ft, Damage: 7D6 per round (armor piercing). Penalties: Poor accuracy -2 to strike on objects smaller than 5ft

14.5mm Calibre Heavy Machinegun
Feed: 100, 200, or 250 round belts, Weight: 50-120lbs., Effective Range: 3000ft, Damage: 8D6 per round (armor piercing). Penalties: Poor accuracy -2 to strike on objects smaller than 5ft


Model 2500 Police Smith and Wesson (single shot pump action)
Feed: 2 slugs in the chamber, Weight: Just under 7lbs., Effective Range: Buckshot-80ft, Solid slugs-150ft, Damage: Buckshot-4D6 per round, Solid slug-5D6 per round. Bonuses: Buckshot-better chance to hit +1 to strike.

Model 3000 Police Smith and Wesson (dual shot snap open chamber)
Feed: 2 slugs in the chamber, Weight: Just under 8lbs., Effective Range: Buckshot-80ft, Solid slugs-150ft, Damage: Buckshot-8D6 per dual round, Solid slug-10D6 per dual round. Bonuses: Buckshot-better chance to hit +1 to strike.

Model 3000 Police Smith and Wesson (dual shot snap open chamber)
Feed: 2 slugs in the chamber, Weight: Just under 8lbs., Effective Range: Buckshot-80ft, Solid slugs-150ft, Damage: Buckshot-8D6 per dual round, Solid slug-10D6 per dual round. Bonuses: Buckshot-better chance to hit +1 to strike.


Type 1 light vest used for minimal body cover when a concealable vest is required.
AR: 7, SDC: 10, Weight: 4lbs.

Type 2 medium vest used for partial body cover when a concealable vest is required (15% chance of someone noticing it).
AR: 8, SDC: 15, Weight: 6lbs.

Type 3 heavy vest used for partial body cover, worn over clothing.
AR: 9, SDC: 20, Weight: 8lbs.

Type 4 dual medium vest covering both front and back. Penalties: -5% to prowl, climb, swim and the performance of similar physical skills.
AR: 12, SDC: 15/15, Weight: 12lbs.

Type 5 dual heavy vest covering both front and back. Penalties: -1 to parry and dodge, and -10% to prowl, climb, swim and the performance of similar physical skills.
AR: 14, SDC: 20/20, Weight: 16lbs.

Light Combat Armor Insulated for fire resistance up to 245 degrees Centigrade, radiation shielded, a tinted light sensitive visor, gas filtering with artificial circulation, 4 mile (6.4km) short range radio, and an independant oxygen supply/purge system. Fully articulated and imposes no penalties on the wearer, even when piloting a veritech or other demanding vehicle.
AR: 16, MDC: 15, Weight: 25lbs.

Heavy Combat Armor Insulated for fire resistance up to 245 degrees Centigrade, radiation shielded, a tinted light sensitive visor, gas filtering with artificial circulation, 4 mile (6.4km) short range radio, and an independant oxygen supply/purge system. Is not suited to the piloting demands of mecha like the veritech. Penalties: -1 to strike and parry, -2 to dodge, and -15% to prowl, climb, swim and the performance of similar physical skills.
AR: 18, MDC: 30, Weight: 25lbs.

Micronian Power Armor
Model Type: RDF Heavy Combat Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Missile Launchers — 20
Heavy laser — 5
Main Body — 95 (includes arms, legs, and head)
Speed: Runing spped is 60mph (96kph). Flying speed is 175mph (280kph).
Physical Strength: Adds +12 to the pilot's P.S. Attribute.
Weight: 300lbs (136kg)

Weapon Systems
1. Built-in RDF Heavy Laser: linked to the pilot's helmet and moves accordingly giving it a bonus of +1 to strike.
Feed: 80 single blasts, 64 short bursts, 40 long bursts, or 4 full melee bursts, Effective Range: 1200ft, Damage: 2D4 MD per single blast, 3D6 MD for short burst, 6D6 MD for long burst, 2D4X10 MD for full melee burst.

2. Unguided Mini-Missiles:
Feed: 2 missiles per arm totalling 4, Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6km), Damage: 1D4X10 per missile.