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Type: VF-1A, -1D, -1B, -1J, and -1S
Crew: One in types VF-1A, -1B, -1J, and -1S; seats two in the VT-1D (trainer)







Head Laser Mounts

24 each


Main Body


Shoulders/Upper Arms (2)

50 each

Arms (2)

75 each


30 each

Retractable Utility Arms (3 per arm; 6 total)

3 each

Legs/Engine Thrusters (2)

150 each

Reinforced Pilot Compartment/Nose Section


Main Wings (2)

100 each

Tails (2)

50 each


GU-12 Gun Pod


Speed: 2676mph (mach 4) with a 60 mile ceiling in Jet Fighter Mode, 670mph (mach 1) down to a complete hover in Guardian Mode. Flight is 30mph down to a complete hover in Battloid Mode with a maximum running speed of 60mph. Flying in space, a battloid can get up to 120mph.

Weapon Systems

1. Jet Fighter High Powered Lasers: Can only fire in fighter mode. 10% of all models produced are early models that do not have these lasers. The remaining 90% of all models, except the -1B variant, have these lasers installed.

Mega-Damage: 6D6 MD per dual blast (linked).

Range: 4000ft (1200m).

Payload: Unlimited.


2. Head Mounted RöV-10 Lasers: VF-1A: 1 laser, -1D & -1J: 2 lasers, -1B & -1S: 4 lasers.

Mega-Damage: VF-1A: 3D6, -1D & -1J: 6D6, -B & -1S: 12D6; or double damage using 2 attacks (object must be stationary); Time to cut a human sized hole through armored metal walls (Zent ship or mecha bay type) takes 30 seconds. Time to cut a mecha sized hole through armored metal walls (Zent ship or mecha bay type) takes 10 minutes. Divide time by amount of lasers used. Lasers will overheat after 4 melees of continuous use.

Range: 2000ft (609m).

Rate of Fire: Twice per melee.

Payload: Unlimited.


3. GU-12 Gun Pod: Carried in either hand in Battloid and Guardian modes, and mounted to the center hardpoint on the undercarriage during fighter mode. Cannot carry more than one in fighter mode.

Mega-Damage: 1D4X10 for a burst.

Range: 4000ft (1200m).

Payload: 200 rounds per clip allowing 20 short bursts. One extra clip is carried as standard issue for all veritechs. Takes 2 attacks to reload a gun pod.


4. Wing Mounted Missiles: On each wing are three harpoints to which missiles can be mounted. For special missions or through command authorization, pilots can use Versatile Weapon Configuration Systems (pods that can carry either extensive sensor systems or a range of missiles or even GU-11 gunpods).

Mega-Damage: Varies, most commonly High Explosive (med.) SRMs- 1D6X10 per missile.

Range: HE (med.) missiles have a range of 2 miles.

Payload: 6 long-range missiles, 12 short-range missiles, or up 60 6 VWC pods.


5. Hand to Hand: Instead of using weapons, the pilot can engage in physical combat with an enemy. Note: All physical bonuses the pilot posseses outside of the mecha DO apply when inside the mecha. i.e.: +2 to damage outside the mecha will provide an additional +2 to damage to every kick, punch, or body flip performed by the mecha.

Punch: 1D6 MD in battloid mode, 1D4 MD in guardian mode.

Kick: 1D6 MD

Body Flip: 1D4 MD

Detail of a Veritech fighter's components

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