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Welcome to the Treasure Stories page, all stories submitted by P.S.T.H.C. members.


On saturday Dec. 4th I was driving West on 112th st. I mentioned to my brother that I was going to stop on Portland Ave. to get a tire checked because one of my front tires was bad but I wasn't sure if it was the left or right front. When the light changed he stepped out onto the step and watched the right tire turn and said it was fine.We turned on Portland Ave., crossed the freeway and then I pulled over. He got out and walked ahead aways and was watching my left front tire when I started moving. After telling me that it was the left front that was bad he got back in. After closing the door he asked "where is my wallet?" After back tracking twice it was not to be found and checking the garbage cans around the gas station on the corner we gave up and went back to my housewhere he picked up his car and went back to Ferndale. The wallet was a large enough to carry two check books and $235.00 cash but no phone numbers. It was found by a man living nearby. He saw what he thought was a cell phone and picked it up to keep some kids that gathered on the corner from finding it. Inside the wallet was a card for the V.A. hospital. On monday the 6th of Dec. the finder called the V.A. hospital and told them what he had found and gave them the name on the checks. The hospital called my brother in Ferndale and gave him the name and number of the man that had found the wallet. On wensday my brother came back to town and reclaimed the last wallet. The man would not take any reward and every thing was still in the wallet just as it had been when it was lost.



