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Send in the Clowns Is-n't it rich? Are we a pair? Me here at last on the ground, you in mid - air... Send in the clowns. Is-n't it bliss? Don't you ap-prove? One who keeps tear-ing a-round, one who can't move.... Where are the clowns? Send in the clowns. Just when I'd stopped op-en-ing doors, Fin-al-ly know-ing the one that I want-ed was yours, Mak-ing my en-trance a-gain with my u-su-al flair, Sure of my lines, No one is there. Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear. I thought that you'd want what I want. Sor - ry, my dear. But where are the clowns? Quick, send in the clowns. Don't both-er, they're here. Is-n't it rich? Is-n't it queer, Los-ing my tim-ing this late in my ca -reer? And where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns. Well, may-be next year...

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