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QUEEN ANNE PATROL working in the community for:

"Just the facts, Ma'am"


A log of Monthly Queen Anne Patrol Highlights.

The Orange Caps of the Queen Anne Patrol are never to be worn on an individual basis. When the patrol members gather they Re-Cap in a group before starting the patrol. When you see one Orange Cap, you may trust that there are several more very near.

August 1998 Re-Cap Log

September 1998 Re-CapLog

October 1998 Re-Cap Log

November 1998 Re-Cap Log

December 1998 - Early March 1999 Re-Cap Log

A Word About Block Watch!

Want to get involved, either as a QAP member or a BlockWatch Captain? Then contact Terrie Johnston, Seattle Police Department Crime Prevention Coordinater at 206.684.4689.

Terrie is the Crime Prevention Coordinator assigned to the Queen Anne, Magnolia, Denny Regrade, Bell Town and Downtown sectors but will be happy to put interested folks from other Seattle Neighborhoods in touch with their own Coordinators!

The Seattle Police Department Crime Prevention Unit is creating two new positions for volunteers in the New and expanding Block Watch Program!

First new role: Block Contact, a person, who is willing to distribute information to neighbors on an unorginized block. (A "Block Contact" may later choose to help organize a Block Watch and take on the role of a Block Captain or find an interested neighbor to assume the role.)

Second new role: Area Coordinator a person willing to work with several Block Captains in support of the Crime Prevention Coordinators.
Please note: the Seattle Police Department is re-building and improving the Crime Prevention/Block Watch Program City-Wide! Starting in the North and West Precincts of Seattle in late 1998.

Block Watch is about Neighbors!~ Block Watch

