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Queen Anne Patrol November Re-Cap Log

The NOVEMBER Re-Cap Log is dedicated to the memory of Seattle Superintendent of Schools John Stanford (1938-1998) and the victims of Metro Bus #359.

We would also like to recognize the heroism and selflessness of those citizens of the Free Republic of Fremont who responded to the #359 crash.

November saw record breaking rain fall and uncommonly cold and windy weather. There has also been a series of armed robberies in neighboring districts, like Wallingford, of businesses, which spilled into the Lake Union side of Queen Anne. The Seattle Police Department is seeking any assistance in the capture of the individuals involved. Across the city disturbing instances of gun homicides are noted. Victims were shot in locations as various as a downtown street corner, seated in a parked vehicle, standing at the end of a residential driveway and operating a metro bus. The QAP patrol area though pressured by new numbers of street people has, other than the armed robbery near Lake Union, thankfully not experianced this trend.

Queen Anne Patrols continued to Increase. At times it seems the Green Belts along 15th West are wall to wall in unhoused inhabitants. The community at large may recall that this is a slide sensitive slope. A real concern as the forcast is for a wetter than normal winter, and the burrowing habits of some "campers" works to weaken the soil. In the past there has been one known fatality who was smothered in a mud slide. The unhoused, not having regular visits by the US Postal Service are at a much greater risk of going missing in such an event.

New Lighting has been noted on the old Pancake House (aka Grateful Bread), though the covered porch remains a favorite sleeping area. The reconstruction of the Metro Bus stop at the Seattle Center across 1st North from the Queen Anne Post Office (pushing it flat against a building and cutting back shrubs, improving lighting) has been a great success in the area. A massive effort to clear graffitti and trash from the Alhoha Street Corridor has been well recieved by residents in the area. On the minus side, there have been increased problems with pan handlers inside businesses as tempertures plummit.
The emphasis of the Queen Anne Patrol remains mitigating circumstances and behaviors that errode the public quality of life of all residents, workers and visitors to the area. New members have joined in November. Plans for the coming year are in progress. This Fall a QAP member was elected to the Queen Anne Community Council, which will hopefully hurry the demise of a certain Polly Anna attitude of that group to the Public Safety issues of the larger community, long recognized by organizations like the Coe-Mt.Pleasant Area Block Watch and the Uptown Community Council. Since this log entry has waxed critical, may we ask, why did the Denny Regrade Patrol choose that Chi Chi Tourquoise colour for their Caps!?

Remember, this is only a log of particular patrols or events. QAP patrols can be anywhere, anytime, within the West Precinct or the city, as we provide support to related organizations.

Wonder why you aren't reading a lot of QAP members names in this log? Because the QAP people aren't out there to get 15 minutes of fame. They are there to build a better community. Also, for security reasons, as in blockwatch programs across the nation, First Names only are used on patrol. That's one thing we have in common with the "bad" guys, we know who we are and so do the Police.

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