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Queen Anne Patrol October 1998 Re-Cap

OCTOBER PROVED TO BE A PIVITOL MONTH. The Patrol regularly carries the tools of the graffitii removal trade, and picks up trash along the routes. The oldest sticker removed was "No Contra Aid!" The infamous Liqour Store Mattress has finally vanished from the scene. But sleeping individuals continue to be found on the loading dock behind that business. The alley behind the lower QA Safeway was painted by a single Patrol member, with the co-operation of the Safeway management, who provided materials support.

Many new faces in the street population were explained by the opening of a new homeless inclement weather facility on the Seattle Center Grounds. The efforts to clean up the area are being rewarded, as some street people are being observed picking up wine and beer bottles instead of leaving them behind. October saw a renewed effort to make health and welfare checks on regular sleeping areas known to the Patrol. A few sleeping, unblanketed doorway dwellers have been roused on the colder nights and urged to find a shelter. The general public may be unaware that alchohol actually lowers body temperture and there is a real danger of unprotected sleepers freezing to death in relatively mild weather. It has been learned that the "drunk van" which has collected the public drunks in the downtown core, has enlarged its patrol area to include lower Queen Anne.

Familier faces of the summer street population have apparently sought less incliment quarters, as warnings of a very cold winter are being heeded. Getting to know some of the street folks by name, it must be stated that some are not public inebriants but the working poor. The loss of affordable housing in Seattle is very apparent. It has also been noted that as certain individuals grow use to the patrols, they are exhibiting a willingness to "complain" about the behavior or habits of other individuals. This information is noted but doesn't change the Patrol's policy of treating all they meet with respect (and sometimes, rubber gloves)!

In October the regularity of Patrols increased along with the efforts to remove or mitigate the defacement of Public Property. Upper Queen Anne is patrolled less often, but increases, particularly in youth street populations are noted. Roof tops of flat buildings seem to be a favorite "nesting place." The presence of scantily clad females across the street from the Paragon. on the sidewalk in front of the Upper QA Safeway, and Limos continuing (with others) to use the Safeway lot as a free parking zone, have also been noted in the late hours of the weekend. (Draw your own conclusions). The increased presence of Sworn Officers in that area on weekends has also been noted.

Remember, this is only a log of particular patrols or events. QAP patrols can be anywhere, anytime, within the West Precinct or the city, as we provide support to related organizations.

Wonder why you aren't reading a lot of QAP members names in this log? Because the QAP people aren't out there to get 15 minutes of fame. They are there to build a better community. Also, for security reasons, as in blockwatch programs across the nation, First Names only are used on patrol. That's one thing we have in common with the "bad" guys, we know who we are and so do the Police.

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