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The Ragabash' TF list

Gen 1

Gen 2

Machine Wars

Beast Wars

McDonalds McBeasts


  • Decepticons-Giant neon Rumble/Frenzy, white and blue Icepick, green and white Monster Pretender (I don't know who it is).

    Stuff for Trade (all have no accesories)

    Gen 1

    Gen 2

    Beast Wars

    I'm looking for original Waspinators wings and missles, Onyx Primal, the lynx 1/2 of Sky Lynx, the Head, Target, and Powermasters that I've listed and a lot of weapons. E-Mail me if you want to trade. (I also have Spawn, Wildcats, Exo-Squad, and others for trade. Most are loose).

    Back to my Transformers page.
