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Please feel free to email your reunion plans to the editor!


We, the class of 1945, will celebrate our 55th year as RHS graduates at a reunion luncheon on August 10, 2000 at Bridges Inn at 1:00 PM.  It has become an annual event.

The Reunion Committee:           Norma Romane, Chairperson
                          Irene Swogger
                      Sally Girard
                       John Medak

Contact :         Norma Romane
                        718 Fowler Street
                             Raymond WA. 98577

                   John Medak
                                1214 Friedlander Drive
                             Aberdeen, WA.98520

We are looking forward to seeing our classmates again, and hope all will either stay around or come back for the "Goodbye Celebration."


January 18, 2000

Hi Class of 1960

Well now that we have moved into a new century – we really have made it to the 40th year milestone.  Gosh, where time has gone!  We had a great time in 1995, and know this will be even better if you come.

Saturday, August 12, 2000 is the date we have chosen.  Availability of the Elks played a big part in our decision for a date, hope this will work for most of you.  Do set that weekend aside now to come back and renew old acquaintances and to make new ones.

This will be the only letter you will receive from us, so be sure to put it in a safe place so you can refer to it for costs, time, places, etc.  If you are like me, I do have a few senior moments on memory occasionally!! Please send me your check or money order as soon as possible, and no later than July 31st.

We will be at the Raymond Elks Club on Saturday evening at 6:30 PM for a social hour.  Bring your own bottle, please.  Dinner will be a catered buffet and good 50’s style music will be in the background.  Again, casualness is stressed, so come anyway that you feel comfortable.

As many of you know, Raymond High School will be torn down next year and a new one built on the track site.  I will be happy to take anyone interested on a tour of RHS as well as the new elementary building on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 PM.  Meet in front of RHS, OK!  Bring your cameras, it hasn’t changed much!!  Should make for some good memories to be shared later that evening.  We also have a nice seaport museum in town and I know you would enjoy visiting for local past history.

A photographer will be at the reunion Saturday evening at 8:30 PM to take a class picture.  Cost is $12.00 each, payable that evening for an 8x10 color, please add $1.00 for postage.  I will mail to you and local people can pick them up from me.

Please send $22.00 for singles, or $44.00 for couples to me no later than July 31st.   If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call me at (360) 942-2829.  I am also easily reached by e-mail at dennyE1@

Here are the local motel phone numbers for your information.

Mountcastle Motel (Raymond):                      (360) 942-5571
H & H Motel (South Bend):                               (360) 875-5523
Maring's CourtHouse Bed and Breakfast:     (360) 875-6519
Russell House Bed and Breakfast:                  (360) 875-6487
Brackett’s Log Cabin Bed and Breakfast:     (360) 942-6111 (unique woods setting)
Also, Gary Habersetzer has a very nice
RV overnight facilities on the Williapa river: (360) 942-3662

Checks payable to:   See you August 12, 2000
Joyce Evans
39 Hines Valley Road               Vollie Hampton – John Gruginski – Floella Oatfield
Raymond, WA 98577               Ruth Grabski – Joyce Evans

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Editor and author Gail Swadener Graphics & site design by Marlene La Monica Copyright (c) 1999