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These instructions are written for the use of WinZip. If you don't have WinZip, DOWNLOAD it here.

[Start a Zip File] [Add to a Zip File] [Unzip a Zipped File] [Code a Zipped File]


If you DO have a shortcut to WinZip on your DeskTop:

  1. Open the window containing the first item you want to include in the zipped file.
  2. Right click on the icon of that item.
  3. Holding down the mouse button, drag the file icon over to the WinZip icon on your DeskTop and release the mouse button.
  4. Click on "Open With" in the pop-up menu.
  5. Along the bottom of the gray WinZip window that appears are 3 buttons: "Quit", "I Agree", and "Ordering Information". Click on "I Agree."
  6. Click on "New".
  7. A screen will appear allowing you to name the ZipFile and choose the folder where you'd like to place it.
  8. Make sure it says "Zip files" in the "Files of type" window.
  9. After you've named the file and chosen it's folder, click on "OK". (You'll be returned to the previous window.)
  10. Click on "Add".
  11. The file name will appear in the white WinZip window.
  12. If you're done, click on "X" in the upper right corner to close the window.

If you DON'T have a shortcut to WinZip on your DeskTop:

  1. Click on "Start" in your task bar.
  2. Click on "Programs" in the pop-up menu.
  3. Click on WinZip in the pop-up programs list.
  4. Go to #5 in the directions above and continue.


  1. If it isn't already open, open the file window containing the WinZip file you wish to add to.
  2. Click on its icon to open it.
  3. Open the file window containing the item you want to add to the zipped file.
  4. Right click on the icon of the item you want to add.
  5. Holding down the mouse button, drag the file icon over into the open WinZip window and release the mouse button.
  6. Along the bottom of the gray WinZip window that appears are 3 buttons: "Quit", "I Agree", and "Ordering Information". Click on "I Agree."
  7. The name of the file you added will appear in the WinZip window.
  8. Repeat steps 2 - 6 until you've added all the files you want to.
  9. When you're done, click on "X" in the upper right corner to close the window.


  1. Left click on "My Computer" on your DeskTop.
  2. Left click on the icon for your C-Drive.
  3. Left click on the folder into which you placed the zipped file you want to unzip. (Or continue opening file levels until you get down to this file, and then open it.)
  4. Place your cursor on the icon for the zipped file you want to open.
  5. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the file icon over to the WinZip icon on your DeskTop.
  6. Along the bottom of the gray WinZip window that appears are 3 buttons: "Quit", "I Agree", and "Ordering Information". Click on "I Agree."
  7. A box will appear listing the contents of the zipped folder.
  8. Left click on the "Extract" button in the row of buttons across the top. (If you don't want to extract the whole contents, highlights those items you want to extract and continue.)
  9. An "Extract" window will pop up, with an "Extract To" bar-window and a "Folders/Drives" window.
  10. Indicate the file where the unzipped info should be placed either by typing its complete pathway in the "Extract To" window or by clicking on and opening file levels in the "Folders/Drives" window until you reach the correct folder and it's address shows in the "Extract To" window. (You can also create a new folder at this point by clicking on "New Folder" in the lower right corner, typing the complete pathway of the folder you wish to create, then clicking on "Okay".)
  11. Left click on "Extract".
  12. The light in the lower left corner of the window will turn red while it's unzipping. When that light is green again, it's finished.
  13. Go to the file where you told WinZip to extract, and you'll see the individual folders there that are listed in the box described in #7. (Your files are still in the zipped folder as well.)


  1. Upload the zipped file you've created to your website server.
  2. Place the following code on your website where you want the zip file to be available:< >):

    <a href="http://your URL/file">Download Zip</a>

* * * * * * * * * *

Let me know if you have a question about this tutorial.


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