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Some people work an entire lifetime
and wonder if they made a difference to the world..

MARINES don't have that problem
--President Ronald Reagan

Iwo Jima..."Our Rock"

Photo: Capt. Steve W. Primm, (USMC Pilot)

So Many gave all, here, in WWII---Mt Suribachi, Iwo Jima Is Pictured!

US Marines and Sailors suffered over 26,000 casualties: (USMC-23,166+; USN-2,798+) securing this strategic island. The US Army (& Air Corps) suffered about 37 of the above. Japanese attrition defending this home ground fortress was close to 100%. No battle in Marine Corps history (since 1775) can compare. Marines fought in WWII for 43 months. Yet in one month on Iwo Jima, 1/3 of their total deaths occured. American victory unquestionably shortened the war. In the ensuing months, about 2,400 distressed B-29 bombers, carrying 27,000 crewmen, would make lifesaving emergency landings there.

The Battle For IWO JIMA: Read A Brief Compendium. Click Here!

If there is a soul to the Marine Corps it resides in Arlington, near D.C., at the Iwo Jima Memorial, which is one of the most recognized monuments in the world. It stands alone, relatively small, in a surrounding of open space. This hallowed Grunt ground should never be crowded. For more links and information, click to "Friends of Iwo Jima." This is the spot ==> .

USMC KC-130F (C-130 Hercules) tanker 9799 is above, abeam Kitano Pt. Last defender HQ was about the top, in a cave. I crewed with this "battle herc" during bad 'Nam
times. Check out the crevices and corners therein for dust and remembrance! ...--ERL SYVERSTAD



Marine climates are everywhere. They are of the air, on the land and in and
on the waters. Some of us make signs for boats & planes, et al... Brand New..
USMC For Ethos Signs & Sayings

If you want to visit the Marine Corps
Air Transport Association (
MCATA) web site , Click the USMC patch, above.

Hangin' Out With The C-130:
I, A Radio Operator / Loadmaster, Am From The Years '67 thru '71, and VMGR-352, El Toro, California.

True color "Wings" (below) by Erl Syverstad were imaged from a scan of his old uniform wings.
~Do not use without written permission~

A Salute... A Prayer...
(Salute the Brits, Brothers. From them comes this!)

At the coronation of an English monarch, he is given a sword.
Elizabeth II took it last,
and as she held it before the altar, she heard these words:

Receive this kingly Sword, brought now from the altar of God and delivered to you by us, the Bishops and SERVANTS of GOD, though unworthy. With this Sword do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, protect the Holy Church of God, help defend widows and orphans, restore the things that are gone to decay, maintain the things that are restored, punish and reform what is amiss, and confirm what is in good order; that doing these things you may be glorious in all virtue; and so faithfully serve our Lord.

The Few, the Proud, The Marines: ...have swords, too!
(Eat your heart out, Riddick Bowe!

"Definition Of A Gentleman" by Robert E. Lee. ...and Many More Exceptional Pages by A Khe Sanh Marine!

Visit another motivating a current Gunnery Sergeant of Marines. CLICK to visit. It contains much useful information and many links about the Marine Corps!

smokin2.jpg - 35687 Bytes

Aw-rrh-Ritee People, LISTEN UP!

Please consider visiting Gunny Adelt's spot on the net. His pages, images and links are refreshing.. Good for you, good for me.. a United States Marine Corps grounding back to American Revolutionary War times. ==>Gunny Adelt's Links

C-130 Night Lander

~ In Memorium ~

Red Doktor's ~ Tribute ~ To KC-130F Flight Crews

.......and praying: first I did from the internet was at the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial.......

John Climath Rice, USMC, was Junior Assistant Scoutmaster in our Boy ScoutTroop 351, about the year '62 or so. He was tough & smart---ya just didn't mess with this dude! Even though he is 2 years senior to me, I got to know him as a thoughtful and decent kid. It wasn't hard to find the Rices, because there were 12 of 'em. We all went to the same grade school. I became aware of John in 1955, as a First Grader.

...was hit on his 1st Day in-country, May 3, 1967, by hostile small arms fire in Quang Tri, South Viet Nam. The "rubbing" above, was made at The Viet Nam Veterans Memorial website.

F.H. McKay, MGySgt, USMC, Deceased (1994)
"His work ethic was phenomenal. ...He could outwork, out think and outwit any three of us."
--Richard Jonely, LtCol, USMC

The Man Who Has Won

I want to walk by the side of the man
Who has suffered and seen and knows,
Who has measured his pace on the battle line
and given and taken the blows.
Who has never whined when the scheme went wrong
nor scoffed at the failing plan--
But taken his dose with a heart of trust
and the faith of a gentleman;
Who has struck and sought and given
and scarred with a thousand spears--
Can lift his head to the stars of heaven
and isn't ashamed of his tears.

I want to grasp the hand of the man
Who has been through it all and seen,
Who has walked with the night of an unseen dread
and stuck to the world-machine;
Who has bared his breast to the winds of dawn
and thirsted and starved and felt
The sting and the bite of the bitter blasts
that the mouths of the foul have dealt;
Who was tempted and fell, and rose again,
and has gone on trusty and true,
With God supreme in his manly heart
and his courage burning anew.

I'd give my all--be it little or great--
to walk by his side today.
to stand up there with a man who has known
The bite of the burning fray.
Who has gritted his teeth and clinched his fist,
and gone on doing his best,
Because of the love of his fellowman
and the faith in his manly breast.
I would love to walk with him, hand in hand,
Together journey along,
For the man who has struggled and won
Is the man who can make men strong.

- Author Unknown -

Note: "The Man Who Has Won" was included in Jonely's Memorium to McKay





"break" >

> "break"





"..No Retreat, No Surrender."

Semper Fidelis

I am Almost Not A VN Vet. However, I Was In-Country On 4 February, 1969. LtCol. Harris, Squadron CO, Was My Plane Commander. I Am Of And In Those Times.









Where The Few Of Us Are Headed









Dying A Natural Death Is For Wimps!

I Don't Know What Happened. When I Left We Were Winners.

Click here to Order Signs!

Much of what you see on these pages is my own, but it is FREE to use on your web page.. How about putting up a little
LINK back? This is the essence in my pages. It is not a requirement, but something nice to do if you feel like it AND
there is room on your page.. Something like Found At
Erl's Carved Signs is appropriate. Do not alter these images in
any way, or put them in your own archives. They may not be used in any commercial endeavor without my permission.

REDVAR'S CAVE: see Redwoods Nymph in action!
Bob Hope might hire this one!

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