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Klamath Topping Egg
Tied by Dr. David Burns
Klamath Topping Egg

Name Klamath Topping Egg
Category Steelhead
Tip Oval Silver Tinsel
Tag Hot Orange Floss
Tail Alternating "tails" of Natural & Hot Pink Pheasant Crest
Underbody Hot Orange Floss
Body The Body is Built by Tying the Crests over the Hot Orange Underbody and Cementing in Place This Way: Tie white thread over the underbody with one turn and a half hitch holding each crest in place, then cement. The crests then become a part of the "body" and the "wing"
Wing Alternating "wing" of Natural & Hot Pink, Then Natural & Hot Orange Crests
Sides The Fly is Finished with "sides" of Scarlet Parrot after Cementing the Body
Head Red

Dr. David Burns sends this fly with the advice, "Ever wonder what to do with all those crest feathers that are just too tiny to use? Here's a pattern that will use them up." David Burns is a Contributing Fly Tyer for Salmonfly.Net. You can see more examples of his beautifully tied flies at The Flies of Dr. David Burns.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. For questions or comments you can e-mail me at burkemeister@salmonfly.net.  or post your questions on the Forum below. I hope you've enjoyed the site; Please visit again.


