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Steve Burke's Salmon and Steelhead Fly-Tying Guide
LEONS "Ultra Lace Alevin Improved Version"
Originated and Tied By Leon Guthrie

LEONS Ultra Lace Alevin Improved Version

For some reason this particular Alevin is catching more than the other versions. I needed to get deeper in the water faster, so I went for a heavier head, changed the tail using the booby net, and made the Yoke Sac a deeper, brighter red. I also put a red line along the top of the hook shank. This has proved more successful every time using this one. I dont know if you want to include it on your site as a variation and I dont know if it's the tail or brighter red that's doing it, but certainly it is more effective.


This pattern was originated and tied by Leon Guthrie of Galashiels, Scotland. You can see more of his originals at The Flies of Leon Guthrie.
