This Atlantic Salmon Fry imitation from Leon Guthrie shows his inventiveness and artistry in constructing imitations that can be presented with a fly rod. The design and color is vary similar to Pacific Salmon fry and could be used as an imitation for those as well by varying the color slightly. See the following links for a description of the salmon life cycle and pictures of Pacific Salmon Fry.
The Journey of the Wild Salmon: Fry and Par
The following instructions were written by Leon Guthrie for another version of this this minnow/fry imitation. The basic construction is the same but the coloration varies.
Leon's Instructions for Tying
[ Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 ]
Note: Also see Using Overhead Projector Permanent Markers .
This pattern was originated and tied by Leon Guthrie of Galashiels, Scotland. You can see more of his originals at The Flies of Leon Guthrie.