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Dell Cooper

Tied by Scott Howell

Del Cooper, Tied By Scott Howell

Name Del Cooper
Category Steelhead
Hook Alec Jackson Spey (Daiichi #2051) Size(s) #7 through #1.5
Thread Danville Flymaster un-waxed Fl Orange thread
Tag Fine Oval Silver Tinsel and Pearl Holographic Mylar Tinsel
Tail Red Saddle Hackle fibers
Body 1/3 Purple Gudebrod HT Braid, 2/3 Lee Clark's Purple Tying Yarn
Rib Medium Pearl Holographic Mylar Tinsel
Collar(s) Sparse Red Hen Hackle under Red-dyed Guinea Fowl
Wing Polar Bear or White Calf Tail accented with Pearl Green Angel Hair
Head Fl Orange

Here again we see how established patterns can be tied with a modern materials in the Atlantic Salmon Fly tradition. Western Steelhead Flies were first developed in that tradition, and although many other styles have evolved, Scotty showed us here an example of why they will never go away. They are beautiful but still very effective. You can see more of the late Scott Howell's flies at The Flies of Scott Howell.

These were Scotty's Notes: According to my research, credit for this pattern (also known as the 'Surgeon General') goes to either Del Cooper or fellow Oregonian Mike Kennedy. While the fly is often referred to using both names, the dressing remains the same. The Del Cooper is fished throughout northern Oregon and southern Washington where purple-colored Steelhead flies are almost a prerequisite.

468 x 60 Fly Fishing
