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Steve Burke's Salmon and Steelhead Fly-Tying Guide
Leon's Blue Jay Sandeel
Originated and Tied By Leon Guthrie

Leons Blue Jay Sandeel
Name Leon's Blue Jay Sandeel
Category Pacific Salmon
HookSalmon Single Size 1/0
BodyHook shank weighted with lead wire, and wound with fire orange thread. Tie on a few strands of (Veniards Krystal Flash U/V Blue and Pearl) for the tail section, then attach 2 Veniards Blue Jay Feathers left and right wing, feather's Back to back, using black thread. Build up head to size to fit Fish Hawk Eyes. Cover thread with super glue first to harden it, then pinch with flat nosed pliers to flatten surface of head before applying the eyes. Cover with a thin layer of clear epoxy glue.
CommentsThis is a most effective pattern simulating the Sand Eel, Sand Lance, or Candlefish which the Salmon feed some 60% of their diet at sea. Colour and variation of species of Sand Lance vary from continents but this colour variation is the most prolific in the region of the Olympic Peninsula. It is also very effective in our Scottish rivers.

This pattern was originated and tied by Leon Guthrie of Galashiels, Scotland. You can see more of his originals at The Flies of Leon Guthrie.
